Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


nated fashion, allowing the colony to move. Daughter colonies
form inside the sphere, growing until they reach a certain size
and are released when the parent colony breaks open.
Spirogyra and Ulva are both examples of multicellular green
algae. Reproduction in the green algae can be both sexual and
asexual. Green algae store their energy as starch.
The fungus-like protists resemble the fungi during some
part of their life cycle. These organisms exhibit properties of
both fungi and protists. The slime molds and the water molds
are members of this group. They all obtain energy by decom-
posing organic materials, and as a result, are important for
recycling nutrients. They can be brightly colored and live in
cool, moist, dark habitats. The slime molds are classified as
either plasmodial or cellular by their modes of reproduction.
The plasmodial slime molds belong to the phylum
Myxomycota, and the cellular slime molds belong to the phy-
lum Acrasiomycota.
The plasmodial slime molds form a structure called a
plasmodium, a mass of cytoplasmthat contains many nuclei
but has no cell walls or membranes to separate individual
cells. The plasmodium is the feeding stage of the slime mold.
It moves much like an amoeba, slowly sneaking along decay-
ing organic material. It moves at a rate of 1 in (2.5 cm) per
hour, engulfing microorganisms. The reproductive structure of

plasmodial slime molds occurs when the plasmodium forms a
stalked structure during unfavorable conditions. This structure
produces spores that can be released and travel large distances.
The spores land and produce a zygote that grows into a new
The cellular slime molds exist as individual cells during
the feeding stage. These cells can move like an amoeba as
well, engulfing food along the way. The feeding cells repro-
duce asexually through cell division. When conditions become
unfavorable, the cells come together to form a large mass of
cells resembling a plasmodium. This mass of cells can move
as one organism and looks much like a garden slug. The mass
eventually develops into a stalked structure capable of sexual
The water molds and downy mildews belong to the phy-
lum Oomycota. They grow on the surface of dead organisms or
plants, decomposing the organic material and absorbing nutri-
ents. Most live in water or in moist areas. Water molds grow as
a mass of fuzzy white threads on dead material. The difference
between these organisms and true fungi is the water molds
form flagellated reproductive cells during their life cycles.
Many protists can cause serious illness and disease.
Malaria, for example, is caused by the protist Plasmodium.
Plasmodia are sporozoans and are transferred from person to

Diatoms, an example of protists.

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