Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


person through female Anopheles mosquitoes. People who
suffer from malaria experience symptoms such as shivering,
sweating, high fevers, and delirium. African sleeping sick-
ness, also known as African trypanosomiasis, is caused by
another sporozoan, Trypanosoma. Trypanosoma is transmitted
through the African tsetse fly. This organism causes high fever
and swollen lymph nodes. Eventually the protist makes its
way into the victim’s brain, where it causes a feeling of uncon-
trollable fatigue. Giardiasis is another example of a disease
caused by a protist. This illness is caused by Giardia, a sporo-
zoan carried by muskrats and beavers. Giardiasis is character-
ized by fatigue, cramps, diarrhea, and weight loss. Amoebic
dysenteryoccurs when a certain amoeba, Entamoeba histolyt-
ica,infects the large intestine of humans. It is spread through
infected food and water. This organism causes bleeding, diar-
rhea, vomiting, and sometimes death.
Members of the kingdom Protista can also be very ben-
eficial to life on Earth. Many species of red algae are edible
and are popular foods in certain parts of the world. Red algae
are rich in vitamins and minerals. Carageenan, a polysaccha-
ride extracted from red algae, is used as a thickening agent in
ice cream and other foods. Giant kelp forests are rich ecosys-
tems, providing food and shelter for many organisms.
Trichonymphs are flagellates that live in the intestines of ter-
mites. These protozoans break down cellulose in wood into
carbohydrates the termites can digest.
The kingdom Protista is a diverse group of organisms.
Some protists are harmful, but many more are beneficial.
These organisms form the foundation for food chains, produce
the oxygen we breathe, and play an important role in nutrient
recycling. Many protists are economically useful as well. As
many more of these unique organisms are discovered, humans
will certainly enjoy the new uses and benefits protists provide.

See alsoEukaryotes

PProtoplasts and spheroplastsROTOPLASTS AND SPHEROPLASTS

Protoplasts and spheroplasts are altered forms of bacteriaor
yeast, in which the principal shape-maintaining structure of
the bacteria is weakened. Each bacterium forms a sphere,
which is the shape that allows the bacterium to withstand the
rigors, particularly osmotic, of the fluid in which it resides.
The term protoplast refers to the spherical shape
assumed by Gram-positive bacteria. Spheroplast refers to the
spherical shape assumed by Gram-negative bacteria. The dif-
ference is essentially the presence of a single membrane, in the
case of the protoplast, and the two membranes (inner and
outer) of the Gram-negative spheroplasts. It is also possible to
generate a gram-negative protoplast by the removal of the
outer membrane. Thus, in essence, protoplast refers to a bac-
terial sphere that is bounded by a single membrane and spher-
oplast refers to a sphere that is bounded by two membranes.
Bacteria are induced to form protoplasts or spheroplasts
typically by laboratory manipulation. However, formation of
the structures can occur naturally. Such bacteria are referred to
as L-forms. Examples of bacterial genera that can produce L-

forms include Bacillus, Clostridium, Haemophilus,
Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, and Vibrio.
The peptidoglycanis the main stress-bearing layer of
the bacterial cell wall and the peptidoglycan also gives the
bacterium its shape. In the laboratory, weakening the peptido-
glycan network in the cell wall generates both protoplasts and
By exposing bacteria to an enzyme called lysozyme,
the interconnecting strands of the two particular sugars that
form the peptidoglycan can be cut. When this is done, the
peptidoglycan loses the ability to serve as a mechanical
means of support.
The situation in yeast is slightly different, as other com-
ponents of the yeast cell wall are degraded in order to form the
The process of creating protoplasts and spheroplasts
must be done in a solution in which the ionic composition and
concentration of the fluid outside of the bacteria is the same
as that inside the bacteria. Once the structural support of the
peptidoglycan is lost, the bacteria are unable to control their
response to differences in the ionic composition between the
bacterial interior and exterior. If the inner concentration is
greater than the outer ionic concentration, water will flow
into the bacterium in an attempt to achieve an ionic balance.
The increased volume can be so severe that the bacteria will
burst. Conversely, if the inner ionic concentration is less than
the exterior, water will exit the bacterium, in an attempt to
dilute the surroundings. The bacteria can shrivel to the point
of death.
Preservation of ionic balance is required to ensure that
bacteria will not be killed during their transformationinto
either the protoplast or the spheroplast form. Living proto-
plasts and spheroplasts are valuable research tools. The mem-
brane balls that are the protoplasts or spheroplasts can be
induced to fuse more easily with similar structures as well as
with eukaryotic cells. This facilitates the transfer of genetic
material between the two cells. As well, the sequential manu-
facture of spheroplasts and protoplasts in Gram-negative bac-
teria allows for the selective release of the contents of the
periplasm. This approach has been popular in the identifica-
tion of the components of the periplasm, and in the localiza-
tion of proteins to one or the other of the Gram-negative
membranes. For example, if a certain protein is present in a
spheroplast population—but is absent from a protoplast popu-
lation—then the protein is located within the outer membrane.

See also Bacterial ultrastructure; Biotechnology; Trans-


Protozoa are a very diverse group of single-celled organisms,
with more than 50,000 different types represented. The vast
majority are microscopic, many measuring less than 1/200
mm, but some, such as the freshwater Spirostomun, may reach
0.17 in (3 mm) in length, large enough to enable it to be seen
with the naked eye.

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