Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


malaria is still a major cause of death in the tropics. Although
certain drugs have been developed to protect people from
Plasmodium many forms of malaria have now developed,
some of which are even immune to the strongest medicines.
While malaria is one of the best known diseases known
to be caused by protozoans, a wide range of other equally dev-
astating ailments are also caused by protozoan infections.
Amoebic dysentery, for example, is caused by Entamoeba his-
tolytica.; African sleeping sickness, which is spread by the
bite of the tsetse fly, is caused by the flagellate protozoan
Trypanosoma; a related species T. cruzicauses Chagas’ dis-
ease in South and Central America; Eimeria causes coccidio-
sis in rabbits and poultry; and Babesia, spread by ticks, causes
red water fever in cattle.
Not all protozoans are parasites however, although this
is by far a more specialized life style than that adopted by free-
living forms. Several protozoans form a unique, nondestruc-
tive, relationship with other species, such as those found in the
intestine of wood-eating termites. Living in the termites’ intes-
tines the protozoans are provided with free board and lodgings
as they ingest the wood fibers for their own nutrition. In the
process of doing so, they also release proteins which can be
absorbed by the termite’s digestive system, which is otherwise
unable to break down the tough cellulose walls of the wood
fibers. Through this mutualistic relationship, the termites ben-
efit from a nutritional source that they could otherwise not
digest, while the protozoans receive a safe home and steady
supply of food.

See also Amoebic dysentery; Entamoeba histolytica;
Epidemiology, tracking diseases with technology; Waste water
treatment; Water quality

PPrusiner, Stanley RUSINER, STANLEY(1942- )

American physician

Stanley Prusiner performed seminal research in the field of
neurogenetics, identifying the prion, a unique infectious pro-
tein agent containing no DNAor RNA.
Prusiner was born on in Des Moines, Iowa. His father,
Lawrence, served in the United States Navy, moving the fam-
ily briefly to Boston where Lawrence Prusiner enrolled in
Naval officer training school before being sent to the South
Pacific. During his father’s absence, the young Stanley lived
with his mother in Cincinnati, Ohio. Shortly after the end of
World War II, the family returned to Des Moines where
Stanley attended primary school and where his brother, Paul,
was born. In 1952, the family returned to Ohio where
Lawrence Prusiner worked as a successful architect.
In Ohio, Prusiner attended the Walnut Hills High
School, before being accepted by the University of
Pennsylvania where he majored in Chemistry. At the
University, besides numerous science courses, he also had the
opportunity to broaden his studies in subjects such as philoso-
phy, the history of architecture, economics, and Russian his-
tory. During the summer of 1963, between his junior and
senior years, he began a research project on hypothermia with

Sidnez Wolfson in the Department of Surgery. He worked on
the project throughout his senior year and then decided to stay
on at the University to train for medical school. During his
second year of medicine, Prusiner decided to study the surface
fluorescence of brown adipose tissue (fatty tissue) in Syrian
golden hamsters as they arose from hibernation. This research
allowed him to spend much of his fourth study year at the
Wenner-Gren Institute in Stockholm working on the metabo-
lismof isolated brown adipocytes. At this he began to seri-
ously consider pursuing a career in biomedical research.
Early in 1968, Prusiner returned to the U.S. to complete
his medical studies. The previous spring, he had been given a
position at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on com-
pleting an internship in medicine at the University of
California San Francisco (UCSF). During that year, he met his
wife, Sandy Turk, who was teaching mathematics to high
school students. At the NIH, he worked on the glutaminase
family of enzymesin Escherichia coliand as the end of his
time at the NIH began to near, he examined the possibility of
taking up a postdoctoral fellowships in neurobiology.
Eventually, however, he decided that a residency in neurology
was a better route to developing a rewarding career in research
as it offered him direct contact with patients and therefore an
opportunity to learn about both the normal and abnormal nerv-
ous system. In July 1972, Prusiner began a residency at UCSF
in the Department of Neurology. Two months later, he admit-
ted a female patient who was exhibiting progressive loss of
memory and difficulty performing some routine tasks. This
was his first encounter with a Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
patient and was the beginning of the work to which he has
dedicated most of his life.
In 1974, Prusiner accepted the offer of an assistant pro-
fessor position from Robert Fishman, the Chair of Neurology
at UCSF, and began to set up a laboratory to study scrapie, a
parallel disease of human CJD found in sheep. Early on in this
endeavor, he collaborated with William Hadlow and Carl
Eklund at the Rocky Mountain Laboratory in Hamilton,
Montana, from whom he learnt much about the techniques of
handling the scrapie agent. Although the agent was first
believed to be a virus, data from the very beginning suggested
that this was a novel infectious agent, which contained no
nucleic acid. It confirmed the conclusions of Tikvah Alper and
J. S. Griffith who had originally proposed the idea of an infec-
tious protein in the 1960s. The idea had been given little cre-
dence at that time. At the beginning of his research into prion
diseases, Prusiner’s work was fraught with technical difficul-
ties and he had to stand up to the skepticism of his colleagues.
Eventually he was informed by the Howard Hughes Medical
Institute (HHMI) that they would not renew their financial
support and by UCSF that he would not be promoted to tenure.
The tenure decision was eventually reversed, however,
enabling Prusiner to continue his work with financial support
from other sources. As the data for the protein nature of the
scrapie agent accumulated, Prusiner grew more confident that
his findings were not artifacts and decided to summarize his
work in a paper, published in 1982. There he introduced the
term “prion,” derived from “proteinaceous” and ‘infectious”
particle and challenged the scientific community to attempt to

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