Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Bacterial growthis another area that can yield qualita-
tive or quantitative information. Water analysis for the bac-
terium Escherichia coliprovides an example. A specialized
growth medium allows the growth of only Escherichia coli.
Another constituent of the growth medium is utilized by the
growing bacteria to produce a by-product that fluoresces when
exposed to ultraviolet light. If the medium is dispensed in bot-
tles, the presence of growing Escherichia colican be detected
by the development of fluorescence. However, if the medium
is dispensed in smaller volumes in a grid-like pattern, then the
number of areas of the grid that are positive for growth can be
related to a mathematical formula to produce a most probable
number of living Escherichia coliin the water sample. Viable
bacterial counts can be determined for many other bacteria by
several other means.
The ability of bacteria to grow or not to grow on a
media containing controlled amounts and types of compounds
yields quantitative information about the nutritional require-
ments of the microbes.
The advent of molecular techniques has expanded the
repertoire of quantitative information that can be obtained. For
example, a technique involving reporter genes can show
whether a particular geneis active and can indicate the num-
ber of copies of the gene product that is manufactured. Gene
probes have also been tagged to fluorescent or radioactive
labels to provide information as to where in a population a cer-
tain metabolic activity is occurring and the course of the activ-
ity over time.
Many other qualitative and quantitative techniques exist
in microbiological analysis. A few examples include immuno-
electrophoresis, immunoelectron microscopy, biochemical
dissection of metabolic pathways, the molecular construction
of cell walls and other components of microorganisms, and
mutational analysis. The scope of the techniques is ever-

See alsoLaboratory techniques in immunology; Laboratory
techniques in microbiology

QQuorum sensingUORUM SENSING

Quorum sensing is a term that refers to the coordinated behav-
ior exhibited by a population of bacteria. The phenomenon
involves a communication between the bacterial members of
the population and, via a triggering signal, the carrying out of
a particular function.

Examples of quorum sensing are the coordinated feed-
ing behavior and the formation of spores that occur in large
populations of myxobacteria and actinomycetes. Quorum
sensing also occurs in bacterial biofilms, where signals
between bacteria can stimulate and repress the production of
the extracellular polysaccharide in different regions of the
biofilm, and the exodus of portions of the population from the
biofilm, in order to establish a new biofilm elsewhere.
Historically, the first indication of quorum sensing was
the discovery of the chemical trigger for luminescence in the
bacterium Photobacterium fischeriin the 1990s. At high den-
sities of bacteria, luminescence occurs. Light production,
however, does not occur at lower numbers or densities of bac-
teria. The phenomenon was correlated with the production of
a compound whose short name is homoserine lactone. The
same molecule has since been shown to trigger responses in
other quorum sensing systems in other bacteria. Examples of
these responses include the production of disease-causing
factors by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and cell division in
Escherichia coli.
Quorum sensing enables a bacterial population to
respond quickly to changing environmental conditions and, in
the case of biofilms, to enable regions within the mature
biofilm to perform the different functions necessary to sustain
the entire community.
In Photobacterium fischerithe relatively hydrophobic
(“water-hating”) nature of the homoserine lactone molecule
drives its diffusion into the cell wall surrounding a bacterium.
Once inside the bacterium, the molecule interacts with a pro-
tein known as LuxR. The LuxR then induces the transcription
of a region the genetic material that contains the genes that
code for the luminescent proteins.
The molecular nature of the means by which quorum
sensing triggers such homoserine lactone evoke a bacterial
response in other bacteria is still unclear. Furthermore, the dis-
covery of several quorum sensing systems in bacteria such as
Pseudomonas aeruginosaindicate that multiple sensing path-
ways are operative, at different times or even simultaneously.
For example, within a biofilm, bacteria may be actively man-
ufacturing exopolysaccharide, repressed in the polymer’s con-
struction, growing slowly, or resuming the active growth that
is the hallmark of free-floating bacteria. Resolving the molec-
ular nature of the spectrum of quorum sensing activities could
lead to strategies to disrupt the inter-cellular communication in
disease processes.

See alsoBiofilm formation and dynamic behavior

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