Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


In 1973, Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer created the
first recombinant DNA organism, by adding recombinant
plasmidsto E. coli.Since that time, advances in molecular
biologytechniques, in particular the development of the poly-
merase chain reaction, have made the construction of recom-
binant DNA swifter and easier.
Recombinant DNA has been of fundamental importance
in furthering the understanding of genetic regulatory processes
and shows great potential in the genetic design of therapeutic

See alsoChromosomes, eukaryotic; Chromosomes, prokary-
otic; DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid); Genetic regulation of
eukaryotic cells; Genetic regulation of prokaryotic cells;
Laboratory techniques in immunology; Laboratory techniques
in microbiology; PCR; Plasmid and plastid


Recombination, is a process during which genetic material is
shuffled during reproduction to form new combinations. This
mixing is important from an evolutionary standpoint because
it allows the expression of different traits between generations.
The process involves a physical exchange of nucleotides
between duplicate strands of deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA).
There are three types of recombination; homologous
recombination, specific recombination and transposition.
Each type occurs under different circumstances. Homologous
recombination occurs in eukaryotes, typically during the first
phase of the meiotic cell division cycle. In most eukaryotic
cells, genetic material is organized as chromosomesin the
nucleus. A nick is made on the chromosomal DNA of corre-
sponding strands and the broken strands cross over, or
exchange, with each other. The recombinant region is
extended until a whole geneis transferred. At this point,
further recombination can occur or be stopped. Both
processes require the creation of another break in
the DNA strand and subsequent sealing of the nicks by
special enzymes.
Site specific recombination typically occurs in prokary-
otes. It is the mechanism by which viral genetic material is
incorporated into bacterial chromosomes. The event is site-
specific, as the incorporation (integration) of viral genetic
material occurs at a specific location on the bacterial genome,
called the attachment site, which is homologous with the
phage genome. Under appropriate conditions alignment and
merging of the viral and bacterial genomes occurs.
Transposition is a third type of recombination. It
involves transposable elements called transposons. These are
short segments of DNA found in both prokaryotes and eukary-
otes, which contain the information enabling their movement
from one genome to another, as well as genes encoding other
functions. The movement of a transposon, a process of trans-
position, is initiated when an enzyme cuts DNA at a target site.
This leaves a section that has unpaired nucleotides. Another
enzyme called transposase facilitates insertion of the transpo-
son at this site. Transposition is important in genetic engineer-

ing, as other genes can be relocated along with the transposon
DNA. As well, transposition is of natural significance. For
example, the rapid reshuffling of genetic information possible
with transposition enables immunocytes to manufacture the
millions of different antibodies required to protect eukaryotes
from infection.

See alsoCell cycle (eukaryotic), genetic regulation of; Cell
cycle (prokaryotic), genetic regulation of; Microbial genetics

RRed tideED TIDE

Red tides are a marine phenomenon in which water is stained
a red, brown, or yellowish color because of the temporary
abundance of a particular species of pigmented dinoflagellates
(these events are known as “blooms”). Also called phyto-
plankton, or planktonic algae, these single-celled organisms of
the class Dinophyceae move using a tail-like structure called a
flagellum. They also photosynthesize, and it is their photosyn-
thetic pigments that can tint the water during blooms.
Dinoflagellates are common and widespread. Under appropri-
ate environmental conditions, various species can grow very
rapidly, causing red tides. Red tides occur in all marine regions
with a temperate or warmer climate.
The environmental conditions that cause red tides to
develop are not yet understood. However, they are likely
related to some combination of nutrient availability, nutrient
ratios, and water temperature. Red tides are ancient phenom-
ena. Scientists suspect that human activities that affect nutri-
ent concentrations in seawater may be having an important
influence on the increasingly more frequent occurrences of red
tides in some areas. In particular, the levels of nitrogen, phos-
phorous, and other nutrients in coastal waters are increasing
due to runoff from fertilizers and animal waste. Complex
global changes in climate also may be affecting red tides.
Water used as ballast in ocean-going ships may be introducing
dinoflagellates to new waters.
Sometimes the dinoflagellates involved with red tides
synthesize toxic chemicals. Genera that are commonly asso-
ciated with poisonous red tides are Alexandrium, Dinophysis,
and Ptychodiscus. The algal poisons can accumulate in
marine organisms that feed by filtering large volumes of
water, for example, shellfish such as clams, oysters, and mus-
sels. If these shellfish are collected while they are signifi-
cantly contaminated by red-tide toxins, they can poison the
human beings who eat them. Marine toxins can also affect
local ecosystems by poisoning animals. Some toxins, such as
that from Ptychodiscus brevis, the organism that causes
Florida red tides, are airborne and can cause throat and nose
Red tides can cause ecological damage when the algal
bloom collapses. Under some conditions, so much oxygen is
consumed to support the decomposition of dead algal biomass
that anoxic (lack of oxygen) conditions develop. This can
cause severe stress or mortality in a wide range of organisms
that are intolerant of low-oxygen conditions. Some red-tide

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