Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


The mRNA molecules contain at the 5’ end a leader
sequence that is not translated, known as UTR (untranslated
region) and an initiation codon (AUG), that precedes the cod-
ing region formed by the spliced exons, which are termed
codons in the mature mRNA. At the end of the coding region,
three termination codons (UAG, UAA, UGA) are present,
being followed by a trailer sequence that constitutes another
UTR, which is by its turn followed by the poly-A tail. The sta-
bility of the mRNA molecule is crucial to the proper transla-
tion of the transcript into protein. The poly-A tail is
responsible by such stability because it prevents the preco-
cious degradation of mRNA by a 3’ to 5’ exonuclease (a cyto-
plasmatic enzyme that digests mRNA starting from the
extremity 3’ when the molecule leaves the cell nucleus). The
mRNA of histones, the nuclear proteins that form the nucleo-
somes, do not have poly-A tails, thus constituting an exception
to this rule. The poly-A tail also protects the other extremity of
the mRNA molecule by looping around and touching the 7-
methylguanosine cap attached to the 5’ extremity. This pre-
vents the decapping of the mRNA molecule by another
exonuclease. The removal of the 7-methylguanosine exposes
the 5’ end of the mRNA to digestion by the 5’ to 3’ exonucle-
ase (a cytoplasmatic enzyme that digests mRNA starting from
the 5’ end). When the translation of the protein is completed,
the enzymatic process of deadenylation (i.e., enzymatic diges-
tion of the poly-A tail) is activated, thus allowing the subse-
quent mRNA degradation by the two above mentioned
exonucleases, each working at one of the ends of the molecule.
Transfer RNA (tRNA) is often referred to as the
“Rosetta Stone” of genetics, as it translates the instructions
encoded by DNA, by way of messenger RNA (mRNA), into
specific sequences of amino acids that form proteins and
polypeptides. This class of small globular RNA is only 75 to
90 nucleotides long, and there is at least one tRNA for every
amino acid. The job of tRNA is to transport free amino acids
within the cell and attach them to the growing polypeptide
chain. First, an amino acid molecule is attached to its particu-
lar tRNA. This process is catalyzed by an enzyme called
aminoacyl—tRNA synthetase that binds to the inside of the
tRNA molecule. The molecule is now charged. The next step,
joining the amino acid to the polypeptide chain, is carried out
inside the ribosome. Each amino acid is specified by a partic-
ular sequence of three nucleotide bases called codons. There
are four different kinds of nucleotides in mRNA. This makes
possible 64 different codons (4^3 ). Two of these codons are
called STOP codons; one of these is the START codon (AUG).
With only 20 different amino acids, it is clear that some amino
acids have more then one codon. This is referred to as the
degeneracy of the genetic code. On the other end of the tRNA
molecule are three special nucleotide bases called the anti-
codon. These interact with three complimentary codon bases
in the mRNA by way of hydrogen bonds. These weak direc-
tional bonds are also the force that holds together the double
strands of DNA.
In order to understand how this happens, it was neces-
sary to first understand the three dimensional structure (con-
formation) of the tRNA molecule. This was first attempted in
1965, where the two-dimensional folding pattern was deduced

from the sequence of nucleotides found in yeastalanine tRNA.
Later work (1974), using x-ray diffraction analysis, was able to
reveal the conformation of yeast phenylalanine tRNA. The
molecule is shaped like an upside-down L. The vertical portion
is made up of the D stem and the anti-codon stem, and the hor-
izontal arm of the L is made up of the acceptor stem and the T
stem. Thus, the translation depends entirely upon the physical
structure. At one end of each tRNA is a structure that recog-
nizes the genetic code, and at the other end is the particular
amino acid for that code. Amazingly, this unusual shape is con-
served between bacteria, plants, and animals.
Another unusual thing about tRNA is that it contains
some unusual bases. The other classes of nucleic acids can
undergo the simple modification of adding a methyl (CH3–)
group. However, tRNA is unique in that it undergoes a range
of modifications from methylation to total restructuring of the
purine ring. These modifications occur in all parts of the tRNA
molecule, and increase its structural integrity and versatility.
Ribosomes are composed of ribosomal RNA (as much
as 50%) and special proteins called ribonucleoproteins. In
eukaryotes(an organism whose cells have chromosomes with
nucleosomal structure and are separated from the cytoplasm
by a two membrane nuclear envelope and whose functions are
compartmentalized into distinct cytoplasmic organelles), there
are actually four different types of rRNA. One of these mole-
cules is called 18SrRNA; along with some 30–plus different
proteins, it makes up the small subunit of the ribosome. The
other three types of rRNA are called 28S, 5.8S, and 5S rRNA.
One of each of these molecules, along with some 45 different
proteins, is used to make the large subunit of the ribosome.
There are also two rRNAs exclusive to the mitochondrial (a
circular molecule of some 16,569 base pairs in the human)
genome. These are called 12S and 16S. A mutation in the
12SrRNA has been implicated in non-syndromic hearing loss.
Ribosomal RNA’s have these names because of their molecu-
lar weight. When rRNA is spun down by ultracentrifuge, these
molecules sediment out at different rates because they have
different weights. The larger the number, the larger the
The larger subunit appears to be mainly involved in
such biochemical processes as catalyzing the reactions of
polypeptide chain elongation and has two major binding sites.
Binding sites are those parts of large molecule that actively
participate in its specific combination with another molecule.
One is called the aminoacyl site and the other is called the pep-
tidyl site. Ribosomes attach their peptidyl sites to the mem-
brane surface of the rER. The aminoacyl site has been
associated with binding transfer RNA. The smaller subunit
appears to be concerned with ribosomal recognition processes
such as mRNA. It is involved with the binding of tRNA also.
The smaller subunit combines with mRNA and the first
“charged “ tRNA to form the initiation complex for translation
of the RNA sequence into the final polypeptide.
The precursor of the 28S, 18S and the 5.83S molecules
are transcribed by RNA polymerase I (Pol I) and the 5S rRNA
is transcribed by RNA polymerase III (PoIII). Pol I is the most
active of all the RNA polynmerases, and is one indication of
how important these structures are to cellular function.

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