Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


occurs between states of the same spin, and phosphorescence if
the transition takes place between states of different spin.
In x-ray fluorescence, the term refers to the characteris-
tic x rays emitted as a result of absorption of x rays of higher
frequency. In electron fluorescence, the emission of electro-
magnetic radiation occurs as a consequence of the absorption
of energy from radiation (either electromagnetic or particu-
late), provided the emission continues only as long as the stim-
ulus producing it is maintained.
The effects governing x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
were first explained by Albert Einstein in 1905, who showed
that the energy of an electron ejected in photoemission was
equal to the difference between the photon and the binding
energy of the electron in the target. In the 1950s, researchers
began measuring binding energies of core electrons by x-ray
photoemission. The discovery that these binding energies
could vary as much as 6 eV, depending on the chemical state
of the atom, led to rapid development of x-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy, also known as Electron Spectroscopy for
Chemical Analysis (ESCA). This technique has provided valu-
able information about chemical effects at surfaces. Unlike
other spectroscopies in which the absorption, emission, or
scattering of radiation is interpreted as a function of energy,
photoelectron spectroscopy measures the kinetic energy of the
electrons(s) ejected by x-ray radiation.
Mössbauer spectroscopy was invented in the late 1950s
by Rudolf Mössbauer, who discovered that when solids emit
and absorb gamma rays, the nuclear energy levels can be sep-
arated to one part in 10^14 , which is sufficient to reflect the
weak interaction of the nucleus with surrounding electrons.
The Mössbauer effect probes the binding, charge distribution
and symmetry, and magnetic ordering around an atom in a
solid matrix. An example of the Mössbauer effect involves the
Fe-57 nuclei (the absorber) in a sample to be studied. From the
ground state, the Fe-57 nuclei can be promoted to their first
excited state by absorbing a 14.4-keV gamma-ray photon pro-
duced by a radioactive parent, in this case Co-57. The excited
Fe-57 nucleus then decays to the ground state via electron or
gamma ray emission. Classically, one would expect the Fe-57
nuclei to undergo recoil when emitting or absorbing a gamma-
ray photon (somewhat like what a person leaping from a boat
to a dock observes when his boat recoils into the lake); but
according to quantum mechanics, there is also a reasonable
possibility that there will be no recoil (as if the boat were
embedded in ice when the leap occurred).
When electromagnetic radiation passes through matter,
most of the radiation continues along its original path, but a
tiny amount is scattered in other directions. Light that is scat-
tered without a change in energy is called Rayleigh scattering;
light that is scattered in transparent solids with a transfer of
energy to the solid is called Brillouin scattering. Light scatter-
ing accompanied by vibrations in molecules or in the optical
region in solids is called Raman scattering.
In vibrational spectroscopy, also known as Raman spec-
troscopy, the light scattered from a gas, liquid, or solid is
accompanied by a shift in wavelength from that of the incident
radiation. The effect was discovered by the Indian physicist C.
V. Raman in 1928. The Raman effect arises from the inelastic

scattering of radiation in the visible region by molecules.
Raman spectroscopy is similar to infrared spectroscopy in its
ability to provide detailed information about molecular struc-
tures. Before the 1940s, Raman spectroscopy was the method
of choice in molecular structure determinations, but since that
time infrared measurements have largely supplemented it.
Infrared absorption requires that a vibration change the dipole
moment of a molecule, but Raman spectroscopy is associated
with the change in polarizability that accompanies a vibration.
As a consequence, Raman spectroscopy provides information
about molecular vibrations that is particularly well suited to
the structural analysis of covalently bonded molecules, and to
a lesser extent, of ionic crystals. Raman spectroscopy is also
particularly useful in studying the structure of polyatomic
molecules. By comparing spectra of a large number of com-
pounds, chemists have been able to identify characteristic fre-
quencies of molecular groups, e.g., methyl, carbonyl, and
hydroxyl groups.

See alsoBiotechnology; Electron microscope, transmission
and scanning; Electron microscopic examination of microor-
ganisms; Electrophoresis; Enzyme-linked immunosorbant
assay (ELISA); Epidemiology, tracking diseases with technol-
ogy; Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH); Laboratory
techniques in immunology; Laboratory techniques in microbi-
ology; Microscope and microscopy





Spirochetes are a group comprised of six genera of bacteriain
a family known as Spirochaete. They are named because of
their spiral shape. Typically, spirochetes are very slender.
Their length can vary from about five microns (millionths of
an inch) to several hundred microns, depending on the species.
Under the light or electron microscope, the tight coiling that is
characteristic of spirochetes is readily visible. Spirochetes are
a significant health threat to humans. Both syphilisand Lyme
diseaseare caused by spirochetes. Beneficially, spirochetes
contribute to digestion in ruminants such as cows.
Besides their shape, another distinctive aspect of spiro-
chetes in the presence of what is essentially internal flagella.
These structures, called axial filaments, are embedded in the
cell wall of the bacterium. They are constructed very similarly
as flagella, having the characteristic arrangement of structures
that anchors the filament to the cell membrane. There can be
only a few to as many as 200 axial filaments present in a given
bacterium. The rigidity of an axial filament allows a bacterium
to move in a corkscrew type of motion. Axial filaments are
present in all spirochetes except Treponema.

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