Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


from other bacteria, for example from the bacterium
Escherichia coli, do not function nearly as efficiently in the
polymerase chain reaction as the taq polymerase of Thermus
Since the discovery of taq enzyme and the development
of the polymerase chain reaction, the importance of the
enzyme to molecular biology research and commercial appli-
cations of biotechnologyhave soared. Taq polymerase is
widely used in the molecular diagnosis of maladies and in
forensics (“DNA fingerprinting”). These and other applica-
tions of taq have spawned an industry worth hundreds of mil-
lions of dollars annually.

See alsoDNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid); DNA hybridization;
Extremophiles; Molecular biology and molecular genetics;

TTatum, Edward LawrieATUM, EDWARDLAWRIE(1909-1975)

American biochemist

Edward Lawrie Tatum’s experiments with simple organisms
demonstrated that cell processes can be studied as chemical
reactions and that such reactions are governed by genes. With
George Beadle, he offered conclusive proof in 1941 that each
biochemical reaction in the cell is controlled via a catalyzing
enzyme by a specific gene. The “one gene-one enzyme” the-
ory changed the face of biology and gave it a new chemical
expression. Tatum, collaborating with Joshua Lederberg,
demonstrated in 1947 that bacteriareproduce sexually, thus
introducing a new experimental organism into the study of
molecular genetics. Spurred by Tatum’s discoveries, other sci-
entists worked to understand the precise chemical nature of
the unit of heredity called the gene. This study culminated in
1953, with the description by James Watson and Francis Crick
of the structure of DNA. Tatum’s use of microorganismsand
laboratory mutationsfor the study of biochemical genetics led
directly to the biotechnologyrevolution of the 1980s. Tatum
and Beadle shared the 1958 Nobel Prize in physiology or med-
icine with Joshua Lederberg for ushering in the new era of
modern biology.
Tatum was born in Boulder, Colorado, to Arthur Lawrie
Tatum and Mabel Webb Tatum. He was the first of three chil-
dren. Tatum’s father held two degrees, an M.D. and a Ph.D. in
pharmacology. Edward’s mother was one of the first women to
graduate from the University of Colorado. As a boy, Edward
played the French horn and trumpet; his interest in music
lasted his whole life.
Tatum earned his A.B. degree in chemistry from the
University of Wisconsin in 1931, where his father had moved
the family in order to accept as position as professor in 1931.
In 1932, Tatum earned his master’s degree in microbiology.
Two years later, in 1934, he received a Ph.D. in biochemistry
for a dissertation on the cellular biochemistry and nutritional
needs of a bacterium. Understanding the biochemistry of
microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, and molds would per-
sist at the heart of Tatum’s career.

In 1937, Tatum was appointed a research associate at
Stanford University in the department of biological sciences.
There he embarked on the Drosophila(fruit fly) project with
geneticist George Beadle, successfully determining that kynure-
nine was the enzyme responsible for the fly’s eye color, and that
it was controlled by one of the eye-pigment genes. This and
other observations led them to postulate several theories about
the relationship between genes and biochemical reactions. Yet,
the scientists realized that Drosophilawas not an ideal experi-
mental organism on which to continue their work.
Tatum and Beadle began searching for a suitable organ-
ism. After some discussion and a review of the literature, they
settled on a pink moldthat commonly grows on bread known
as Neurospora crassa.The advantages of working with
Neurosporawere many: it reproduced very quickly, its nutri-
tional needs and biochemical pathways were already well
known, and it had the useful capability of being able to repro-
duce both sexually and asexually. This last characteristic made
it possible to grow cultures that were genetically identical, and
also to grow cultures that were the result of a cross between
two different parent strains. With Neurospora,Tatum and
Beadle were ready to demonstrate the effect of genes on cel-
lular biochemistry.
The two scientists began their Neurosporaexperiments
in March 1941. At that time, scientists spoke of “genes” as the
units of heredity without fully understanding what a gene
might look like or how it might act. Although they realized
that genes were located on the chromosomes, they didn’t
know what the chemical nature of such a substance might be.
An understanding of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, the mole-
cule of heredity) was still 12 years in the future. Nevertheless,
geneticists in the 1940s had accepted Gregor Mendel’s work
with inheritance patterns in pea plants. Mendel’s theory, redis-
covered by three independent investigators in 1900, states that
an inherited characteristic is determined by the combination of
two hereditary units (genes), one each contributed by the
parental cells. A dominant gene is expressed even when it is
carried by only one of a pair of chromosomes, while a reces-
sive gene must be carried by both chromosomes to be
expressed. With Drosophila, Tatum and Beadle had taken
genetic mutants—flies that inherited a variant form of eye
color—and tried to work out the biochemical steps that led to
the abnormal eye color. Their goal was to identify the variant
enzyme, presumably governed by a single gene that controlled
the variant eye color. This proved technically difficult, and as
luck would have it, another lab announced the discovery of
kynurenine’s role before theirs did. With the Neurospora
experiments, they set out to prove their one gene-one enzyme
theory another way.
The two investigators began with biochemical
processes they understood well: the nutritional needs of
Neurospora. By exposing cultures of Neurosporato x rays,
they would cause genetic damage to some bread mold genes.
If their theory was right, and genes did indeed control bio-
chemical reactions, the genetically damaged strains of mold
would show changes in their ability to produce nutrients. If
supplied with some basic salts and sugars, normal Neurospora

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