Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1




RThe Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR)ESEARCH(TIGR)

The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) is a non-profit
research institute located in Rockville, Maryland. The primary
interest of TIGR is the sequencing of the genomes and the sub-
sequent analysis of the sequences in prokaryotic and eukary-
otic organisms. J. Craig Venter founded TIGR in 1992 and
acted as president until 1998. As of 2002, Venter remained as
chairman of the board of trustees for TIGR.
TIGR scientists sequenced the genomes of a number of
viruses, bacteria, archaebacteria, plants, animals, fungi, and
protozoa. The sequences of the bacteria Haemophilus influen-
zaeand Mycoplasma genitalium, published in 1996, were the
first complete bacterial DNAsequences ever accomplished. In
1996, the complete sequence of an archaebacteria
(Methanococcus jannaschii) was published. Since that time,
TIGR has sequenced 19 other bacterial genomes. These
include the genomes of the bacteria that cause cholera, tuber-
culosis, meningitis, syphilis, Lyme disease, and stomach
ulcers. In addition, TIGR sequenced the genome of the proto-
zoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum, the cause of malaria.
The genesis of TIGR was the automation of the DNA
sequencing process. This advance made the idea of large-scale
sequencing efforts tangible. At about the same time, Venter
was the leader of a section at the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke. He developed a technique
called shotgun cloning that could efficiently and rapidly
sequence large stretches of DNA. Use of the bacterial artificial
chromosomesin a sequencing strategy that had been devel-
oped by Venter allowed large sections of the human genome to
be inserted into the bacterium Escherichia coliwhere many
copies of the sequences could be produced for sequence analy-
sis. This technique proved to be much faster than the more
conventional sequencing technique that was simultaneously
being done by the United States government. The technique
involved the creation of many overlapping fragments of the
DNA, determination of the sequences, and then, using the
common sequences present in the overlapping regions, piecing
together the fragments to produce the full sequence of a
genome. However, the concept was not readily accepted. At
the time, the conventional sequencing strategy was to begin
sequencing at one end of the genome and progress through to
the other end in a linear manner.
In 1992, Venter left the National Institutes of Health
and, with the receipt of a 10-year, $70 million grant from a pri-
vate company, he founded TIGR in order to utilize the shotgun
cloningphilosophy as applied to the large-scale sequencing of
genetic information.
Acceptance of Venter’s and TIGR’s approach to gene
sequencing came with the 1995 publication of the genome
sequence of the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae. This rep-
resented the first determination of a genome sequence of a liv-
ing organism.

Another major research trust at TIGR has been the
development of software analysis programs that sift through
the vast amounts of sequence information in order to identify
probable gene sequences. Also, programs are being developed
to permit the analysis of these putative genes and the presen-
tation of the structure of the proteins they code for. A technol-
ogy known as micro-arraying is being refined. In this
technique, thousands of genes can be placed onto a support for
simultaneous analysis. This and other initiatives hold the
promise of greatly increasing the speed of DNA sequencing.
TIGR also gained widespread public notoriety for its
involvement in the sequencing of the human genome.
Specifically, TIGR’s establishment thrust the issue of corpo-
rate ownership of genetic information into the forefront of
public awareness. Backed by the financing necessary to begin
operations, TIGR partnered with an organization called
Human Genome Sciences. The latter company had first oppor-
tunity to utilize any sequences emerging from TIGR labs. The
specter of genetic information, especially that associated with
diseases, being controlled by a private interest was, and
remains, extremely controversial.
In 1997, TIGR dissolved the partnership with Human
Genome Services. Since then, the genetic sequencing efforts
have moved more toward the public domain. For example, now
all TIGR gene sequences are posted on the organization’s web
site and the institute spearheads public forums and symposia.
TIGR is now headquartered on a 17-acre facility on the
outskirts of Washington, D.C., and the institute is comprised
of nearly 200 research staff.

See also Biotechnology; DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid);
Genetic mapping

TTheiler, Max HEILER, MAX(1899-1972)

South African virologist

Max Theiler (pronounced Tyler) was a leading scientist in the
development of the yellow-fever vaccine. His early research
proved that yellow-fever virus could be transmitted to mice.
He later extended this research to show that mice that were
given serum from humans or animals that had been previously
infected with yellow feverdeveloped immunityto this disease.
From this research, he developed two different vaccines in the
1930s, which were used to control this incurable tropical dis-
ease. For his work on the yellow-fever vaccine, Theiler was
awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology in 1951.
Theiler was born on a farm near Pretoria, South Africa,
on January 30, 1899, the youngest of four children of Emma
(Jegge) and Sir Arnold Theiler, both of whom had emigrated
from Switzerland. His father, director of South Africa’s vet-
erinary services, pushed him toward a career in medicine. In
part to satisfy his father, he enrolled in a two-year premedical
program at the University of Cape Town in 1916. In 1919,
soon after the conclusion of World War I, he sailed for
England, where he pursued further medical training at St.
Thomas’s Hospital Medical School and the London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, two branches of the

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