Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Cattle and sheep are also susceptible to microbiological
ailments. Foot and mouth disease is a prominent example.
This contagious and fatal disease can sweep through cattle and
sheep populations, causing financial ruin for ranchers.
Moreover, there is now evidence that bovine spongiform
encephalopathy, a disease caused by an infectious agent
termed a prion, may be transmissible to humans, where it is
manifest as the always lethal brain deterioration called
Creutzfeld-Jacob disease.

See alsoZoonoses

VViable but nonculturable bacteriaIABLE BUT NONCULTURABLE BACTERIA

Viable but nonculturable bacteriaare bacteria that are alive,
but which are not growing or dividing. Their metabolic activ-
ity is almost nonexistent.
This state was recognized initially by microbial ecolo-
gists examining bacterial populations in natural sediments.
Measurements of the total bacterial count, which counts both
living and dead bacteria, are often far higher than the count of
the living bacteria. At certain times of year, generally when
nutrients are plentiful, the total and living numbers match more
closely. These observations are not the result of seasonal “die-
off,” but reflect the adoption of an almost dormant mode of
existence by a sizable proportion of some bacterial populations.
A viable but nonculturable bacteria cannot be cultured
on conventional laboratory growth media but can be demon-
strated to be alive by other means, such as the uptake and
metabolismof radioactively labeled nutrients. Additionally,
the microscopic examination of populations shows the bacte-
ria to be intact. When bacteria die they often lyse, due to the
release of enzymesthat disrupt the interior and the cell wall of
the bacteria.
The viable but nonculturable state is reversible.
Bacterial that do not form spores can enter the state when con-
ditions become lethal for their continued growth. The state is
a means of bacterial survival to stresses that include elevated
salt concentration, depletion of nutrients, depletion of oxygen,
and exposure to certain wavelengths of light. When the stress
is removed, bacteria can revive and resume normal growth.
The shift to the nonculturable state triggers the expres-
sion of some 40 genes in bacteria. As well, the composition of
the cell wall changes, becoming enhanced in fatty acid con-
stituents, and the genetic material becomes coiled more tightly.
The entry of a bacterium into the nonculturable state
varies from days to months. Younger bacterial cells are capa-
ble of a more rapid transition than are older cells. In general,
however, the transition to a nonculturable state seems to be in
response to a more gradual change in the environment than
other bacterial stress responses, (e.g., spore formation, heat
shock response).
In contrast to the prolonged entry into the quiescent
phase, the exit from the viable but nonculturable state is quite
rapid (within hours for Vibrio vulnifucus). Other bacteria, such
as Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of
Legionnaires’ disease, revive much more slowly. The adoption

of this mode of survival by disease-causing bacteria further
complicates strategies to detect and eradicate them.

See alsoBacteria and bacterial infection; Bacterial adaptation


VViral geneticsIRAL GENETICS

Viral genetics, the study of the genetic mechanisms that oper-
ate during the life cycle of viruses, utilizes biophysical, bio-
logical, and genetic analyses to study the viral genome and its
variation. The virus genome consists of only one type of
nucleic acid, which could be a single or double stranded DNA
or RNA. Single stranded RNA viruses could contain positive-
sense (+RNA), which serves directly as mRNA or negative-
sense RNA (–RNA) that must use an RNA polymerase to
synthesize a complementary positive strand to serve as
mRNA. Viruses are obligate parasitesthat are completely
dependant on the host cell for the replication and transcription
of their genomes as well as the translationof the mRNA tran-
scripts into proteins. Viral proteins usually have a structural
function, making up a shell around the genome, but may con-
tain some enzymesthat are necessary for the virus replication
and life cycle in the host cell. Both bacterial virus (bacterio-
phages) and animal viruses play an important role as tools in
molecular and cellular biology research.
Viruses are classified in two families depending on
whether they have RNA or DNA genomes and whether these
genomes are double or single stranded. Further subdivision into
types takes into account whether the genome consists of a sin-
gle RNA molecule or many molecules as in the case of seg-
mented viruses. Four types of bacteriophages are widely used in
biochemical and genetic research. These are the T phages, the
temperate phages typified by bacteriophagelambda, the small
DNA phages like M13, and the RNA phages. Animal viruses are
subdivided in many classes and types. Class I viruses contain a
single molecule of double stranded DNA and are exemplified
by adenovirus, simian virus 40 (SV40), herpesviruses and
human papilloma viruses. Class II viruses are also called par-
voviruses and are made of single stranded DNA that is copied
in to double stranded DNA before transcription in the host cell.
Class III viruses are double stranded RNA viruses that have seg-
mented genomes which means that they contain 10–12 separate
double stranded RNA molecules. The negative strands serve as
template for mRNA synthesis. Class IV viruses, typified by
poliovirus, have single plus strand genomic RNA that serves as
the mRNA. Class V viruses contain a single negative strand
RNA which serves as the template for the production of mRNA
by specific virus enzymes. Class VI viruses are also known as
retrovirusesand contain double stranded RNA genome. These
viruses have an enzyme called reverse transcriptase that can
both copy minus strand DNA from genomic RNA catalyze the
synthesis of a complementary plus DNA strand. The resulting
double stranded DNA is integrated in the host chromosome and

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