Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
Viral vectors in gene therapy WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY


is transcribed by the host own machinery. The resulting tran-
scripts are either used to synthesize proteins or produce new
viral particles. These new viruses are released by budding, usu-
ally without killing the host cell. Both HIVand HTLVviruses
belong to this class of viruses.
Virus genetics are studied by either investigating genome
mutationsor exchange of genetic material during the life cycle
of the virus. The frequency and types of genetic variations in the
virus are influenced by the nature of the viral genome and its
structure. Especially important are the type of the nucleic acid
that influence the potential for the viral genome to integrate in
the host, and the segmentation that influence exchange of
genetic information through assortment and recombination.
Mutations in the virus genome could either occur spon-
taneously or be induced by physical and chemical means.
Spontaneous mutations that arise naturally as a result of viral
replication are either due to a defect in the genome replication
machinery or to the incorporation of an analogous base instead
of the normal one. Induced virus mutantsare obtained by either
using chemical mutants like nitrous oxide that acts directly on
bases and modify them or by incorporating already modified
bases in the virus genome by adding these bases as substrates
during virus replication. Physical agents such as ultra-violet
light and x rays can also be used in inducing mutations.
Genotypically, the induced mutations are usually point muta-
tions, deletions, and rarely insertions. The phenotypeof the
induced mutants is usually varied. Some mutants are condi-
tional lethal mutants. These could differ from the wild type
virus by being sensitive to high or low temperature. A low tem-
perature mutant would for example grow at 88°F (31°C) but
not at 100°F (38°C), while the wild type will grow at both tem-
peratures. A mutant could also be obtained that grows better at
elevated temperatures than the wild type virus. These mutants
are called hot mutants and may be more dangerous for the host
because fever, which usually slows the growth of wild type
virus, is ineffective in controlling them. Other mutants that are
usually generated are those that show drug resistance, enzyme
deficiency, or an altered pathogenicity or host range. Some of
these mutants cause milder symptoms compared to the parental
virulent virus and usually have potential in vaccinedevelop-
ment as exemplified by some types of influenzavaccines.
Besides mutation, new genetic variants of viruses also
arise through exchange of genetic material by recombination
and reassortment. Classical recombination involves the break-
ing of covalent bonds within the virus nucleic acid and
exchange of some DNA segments followed by rejoining of the
DNA break. This type of recombination is almost exclusively
reserved to DNA viruses and retroviruses. RNA viruses that do
not have a DNA phase rarely use this mechanism.
Recombination usually enables a virus to pick up genetic
material from similar viruses and even from unrelated viruses
and the eukaryotic host cells. Exchange of genetic material
with the host is especially common with retroviruses.
Reassortment is a non-classical kind of recombination that
occurs if two variants of a segmented virus infect the same
cell. The resulting progeny virions may get some segments
from one parent and some from the other. All known seg-
mented virus that infect humans are RNA viruses. The process

of reassortment is very efficient in the exchange of genetic
material and is used in the generation of viral vaccines espe-
cially in the case of influenza live vaccines. The ability of
viruses to exchange genetic information through recombina-
tion is the basis for virus-based vectors in recombinant DNA
technology and hold great promises in the development of
genetherapy. Viruses are attractive as vectors in gene therapy
because they can be targeted to specific tissues in the organs
that the virus usually infect and because viruses do not need
special chemical reagents called transfectants that are used to
target a plasmid vector to the genome of the host.
Genetic variants generated through mutations, recom-
bination or reassortment could interact with each other if
they infected the same host cell and prevent the appearance
of any phenotype. This phenomenon, where each mutant
provide the missing function of the other while both are still
genotypically mutant, is known as complementation. It is
used as an efficient tool to determine if mutations are in
unique or in different genes and to reveal the minimum num-
ber of genes affecting a function. Temperature sensitive
mutants that have the same mutation in the same gene will
for example not be able to complementeach other. It is
important to distinguish complementation from multiplicity
reactivation where a higher dose of inactivated mutants will
be reactivated and infect a cell because these inactivated
viruses cooperate in a poorly understood process. This reac-
tivation probably involves both a complementation step that
allows defective viruses to replicate and a recombination
step resulting in new genotypes and sometimes regeneration
of the wild type. The viruses that need complementation to
achieve an infectious cycle are usually referred to as defec-
tive mutants and the complementing virus is the helper virus.
In some cases, the defective virus may interfere with and
reduce the infectivity of the helper virus by competing with
it for some factors that are involved in the viral life cycle.
These defective viruses called “defective interfering” are
sometimes involved in modulating natural infections.
Different wild type viruses that infect the same cell may
exchange coat components without any exchange of genetic
material. This phenomenon, known as phenotypic mixing is
usually restricted to related viruses and may change both the
morphology of the packaged virus and the tropism or tissue
specificity of these infectious agents.

See alsoViral vectors in gene therapy; Virology; Virus repli-
cation; Viruses and responses to viral infection



VViral vectors in gene therapyIRAL VECTORS IN GENE THERAPY

Genetherapy is the introduction of a gene into cells to reverse
a functional defect caused by a defect in a host genome (the
set of genes present in an organism).

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