Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Virology, viral classification, types of viruses


The use of virusesquickly became an attractive possi-
bility once the possibility of gene therapy became apparent.
Viruses require other cells for their replication. Indeed, an
essential feature of a virus replicationcycle is the transfer of
their genetic material (deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA; or ribonu-
cleic acid, RNA) into the host cell, and the replication of that
material in the host cell. By incorporating other DNA or RNA
into the virus genome, the virus then becomes a vector for the
transmission of that additional genetic material. Finally, if the
inserted genetic material is the same as a sequence in the host
cell that is defective, then the expression of the inserted gene
will provide the product that the defective host genome does
not. As a result, host defective host genetic function and the
consequences of the defects can be reduced or corrected.
Retrovirusescontain RNA as the genetic material. A
viral enzyme called reverse transcriptase functions to manu-
facture DNA from the RNA, and the DNA can then become
incorporated into the host DNA. Despite the known involve-
ment of some retroviruses in cancer, these viruses are attrac-
tive for gene therapy because of their pronounced tendency to
integrate the viral DNA into the host genome. Retroviruses
used as gene vectors also have had the potential cancer-caus-
ing genetic information deleted. The most common retrovirus
that has been used in experimental gene therapy is the
Moloney murine leukaemia virus. This virus can infect cells of
both mice and humans. This makes the results obtained from
mouse studies more relevant to humans.
Adenovirusesare another potential gene vector. Once
they have infected the host cell, many rounds of DNA replica-
tion can occur. This is advantageous, as much of the therapeu-
tic product could be produced. However, because integration
of the virally transported gene does not occur, the expression
of the gene only occurs for a relatively short time. To produce
levels of the gene product that would have a substantial effect
on a patient, the virus vector needs to administered repeatedly.
As for retroviruses, the adenoviruses used as vectors need to
be crippled so as to prevent the production of new viruses.
Adenovirus vector has been used to correct mutations
the gene that is defective in cystic fibrosis. However, as of
May 2002, the success rate in human trials remained low. In
addition, the immune response to the high levels of the vector
that are needed can be problematic.
Another important aspect of gene therapy concerns the
target of the viral vectors. The viruses need to be targeted at
host cells that are actively dividing, because only in cells in
which DNA replication is occurring will the inserted viral
genetic material be replicated. This is one reason why cancers
are a conceptually attractive target of virus-mediated gene
therapy, as cancerous cells are dangerous by virtue of their
rapid and uncontrolled division.
Cancerous cells arise by some form of mutation.
Therefore, therapy to replace defective genes with functional
genes holds promise for cancer researchers. The target of gene
therapy can vary, as many cancers have mutations that direct a
normal cell towards acquiring the potential to become cancer-
ous, and other mutations that inactivate mechanisms that func-
tion to regulate growth control. Furthermore, gene therapy can
be directed at the immune systemrather than directly at the

cancerous cell. An example of this strategy is known as
immunopotentiation (the enhancement of the immune
response to cancers).
A risk of viral gene therapy, in those viruses that oper-
ate by integrating genetic material into the host genome, is the
possibility of damage to the host DNA by the insertion.
Alteration of some other host gene could have unforeseen and
undesirable side effects. The elimination of this possibility
will require further technical refinements. Adenoviruses are
advantageous in this regard as the replication of their DNA in
the host cell does not involve insertion of the viral DNA into
the host DNA. Accordingly, the possibility of mutations due to
insertion do not exist.
The September 1999 death of an 18 year old patient
with a rare metabolic condition, who died while receiving
viral gene therapy, considerably slowed progress on clinical
applications of viral gene therapy.

See alsoBiotechnology


TYPES OF VIRUSESVirology, viral classification, types of viruses

Virology is the discipline of microbiology that is concerned
with the study of viruses. Viruses are essentially nonliving
repositories of nucleic acid that require the presence of a liv-
ing prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell for the replication of the
nucleic acid.
Scientists who make virology their field of study are
known as virologists. Not all virologists study the same things,
as viruses can exist in a variety of hosts. Viruses can infect ani-
mals (including humans), plants, fungi, birds, aquatic organ-
isms, protozoa, bacteria, and insects. Some viruses are able to
infect several of these hosts, while other viruses are exclusive
to one host.
All viruses share the need for a host in order to replicate
their deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) or ribonucleic acid(RNA).
The virus commandeers the host’s existing molecules for the
nucleic acid replication process. There are a number of differ-
ent viruses. The differences include the disease symptoms
they cause, their antigenic composition, type of nucleic acid
residing in the virus particle, the way the nucleic acid is
arranged, the shape of the virus, and the fate of the replicated
DNA. These differences are used to classify the viruses and
have often been the basis on which the various types of viruses
were named.
The classification of viruses operates by use of the same
structure that governs the classification of bacteria. The
International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses established
the viral classification scheme in 1966. From the broadest to
the narrowest level of classification, the viral scheme is:
Order, Family, Subfamily, Genus, Species, and Strain/type. To
use an example, the virus that was responsible for an outbreak
of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in a region of Africa called Kikwit
is classified as Order Mononegavirales, Family Filoviridae,
Genus Filovirus, and Species Ebola virusZaire.

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