Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Viruses and responses to viral infection


influenza viruses; on other enveloped viruses, the spikes are
extremely difficult to see. The spikes help the virus invade
host cells. The influenza virus, for instance, has two types of
spikes. One type, composed of hemagglutininprotein (HA),
fuses with the host cell membrane, allowing the virus particle
to enter the cell. The other type of spike, composed of the pro-
tein neuraminidase (NA), helps the newly formed virus parti-
cles to bud out from the host cell membrane.
The capsid of viruses is relatively simple in structure,
owing to the few genes that the virus contains to encode the
capsid. Most viral capsids consist of a few repeating protein
subunits. The capsid serves two functions: it protects the viral
genetic material and it helps the virus introduce itself into the
host cell. Many viruses are extremely specific, targeting only
certain cells within the plant or animal body. HIV, for instance,
targets a specific immune cell, the T helper cell. The cold virus
targets respiratory cells, leaving the other cells in the body
alone. How does a virus “know” which cells to target? The
viral capsid has special receptors that match receptors on their
targeted host cells. When the virus encounters the correct
receptors on a host cell, it “docks” with this host cell and
begins the process of infection and replication.
Most viruses are rod-shaped or roughly sphere-shaped.
Rod-shaped viruses include tobacco mosaic virusand the
filoviruses. Although they look like rods under a microscope,
these viral capsids are actually composed of protein molecules
arranged in a helix. Other viruses are shaped somewhat like
spheres, although many viruses are not actual spheres. The
capsid of the adenovirus, which infects the respiratory tract of
animals, consists of 20 triangular faces. This shape is called an
icosahedron. HIV is a true sphere, as is the influenza virus.
Some viruses are neither rod- nor sphere-shaped. The
poxviruses are rectangular, looking somewhat like bricks.
Parapoxviruses are ovoid. Bacteriophages are the most unusu-
ally shaped of all viruses. Abacteriophageconsists of a head
region attached to a sheath. Protruding from the sheath are tail
fibers that dock with the host bacterium. Bacteriophage struc-
ture is eminently suited to the way it infects cells. Instead of
the entire virus entering the bacterium, the bacteriophage
injects its genetic material into the cell, leaving an empty cap-
sid on the surface of the bacterium.
Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites, meaning
that in order to replicate, they need to be inside a host cell.
Viruses lack the machinery and enzymesnecessary to repro-
duce; the only synthetic activity they perform on their own is
to synthesize their capsids.
The infection cycle of most viruses follows a basic pat-
tern. Bacteriophages are unusual in that they can infect a bac-
terium in two ways (although other viruses may replicate in
these two ways as well). In the lytic cycle of replication, the
bacteriophage destroys the bacterium it infects. In the lyso-
genic cycle, however, the bacteriophage coexists with its bac-
terial host and remains inside the bacterium throughout its life,
reproducing only when the bacterium itself reproduces.
An example of a bacteriophage that undergoes lytic
replication inside a bacterial host is the T4 bacteriophage,
which infects E. coli.T4 begins the infection cycle by docking
with an E. colibacterium. The tail fibers of the bacteriophage

make contact with the cell wall of the bacterium, and the bac-
teriophage then injects its genetic material into the bacterium.
Inside the bacterium, the viral genes are transcribed. One of
the first products produced from the viral genes is an enzyme
that destroys the bacterium’s own genetic material. Now the
virus can proceed in its replication unhampered by the bacter-
ial genes. Parts of new bacteriophages are produced and
assembled. The bacterium then bursts, and the new bacterio-
phages are freed to infect other bacteria. This entire process
takes only 20–30 minutes.
In the lysogenic cycle, the bacteriophage reproduces its
genetic material but does not destroy the host’s genetic mate-
rial. The bacteriophage called lambda, another E. coli-infect-
ing virus, is an example of a bacteriophage that undergoes
lysogenic replication within a bacterial host. After the viral
DNA has been injected into the bacterial host, it assumes a cir-
cular shape. At this point the replication cycle can become
either lytic or lysogenic. In a lysogenic cycle the circular DNA
attaches to the host cell genome at a specific place. This com-
bination host-viral genome is called a prophage. Most of the
viral genes within the prophage are repressed by a special
repressor protein, so they do not encode the production of new
bacteriophages. However, each time the bacterium divides, the
viral genes are replicated along with the host genes. The bac-
terial progeny are thus lysogenically infected with viral genes.
Interestingly, bacteria that contain prophages can be
destroyed when the viral DNA is suddenly triggered to
undergo lytic replication. Radiation and chemicals are often
the triggers that initiate lytic replication. Another interesting
aspect of prophages is the role they play in human diseases.
The bacteria that cause diphtheriaand botulismboth harbor
viruses. The viral genes encode powerful toxins that have dev-
astating effects on the human body. Without the infecting
viruses, these bacteria may well be innocuous. It is the pres-
ence of viruses that makes these bacterial diseases so lethal.
Scientists have classified viruses according to the type
of genetic material they contain. Broad categories of viruses
include double-stranded DNA viruses, single-stranded DNA
viruses, double-stranded RNA viruses, and single stranded
RNA viruses. For the description of virus types that follows,
however, these categories are not used. Rather, viruses are
described by the type of disease they cause.
Poxviruses are the most complex kind of viruses
known. They have large amounts of genetic material and fib-
rils anchored to the outside of the viral capsid that assist in
attachment to the host cell. Poxviruses contain a double strand
of DNA.
Viruses cause a variety of human diseases, including
smallpox and cowpox. Because of worldwide vaccination
efforts, smallpox has virtually disappeared from the world,
with the last known case appearing in Somalia in 1977. The
only places on Earth where smallpox virus currently exists are
two labs: the Centers for Disease Controlin Atlanta and the
Research Institute for Viral Preparation in Moscow. Prior to
the eradication efforts begun by the World Health Organization
in 1966, smallpox was one of the most devastating of human
diseases. In 1707, for instance, an outbreak of smallpox killed
18,000 of Iceland’s 50,000 residents. In Boston in 1721,

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