Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


of bases—including the molecular compounds adenine,
thymine, guanine, and cytosine—inside, bonded by hydrogen.
It is important to note that while Wilkins’ contribution to the
discernment DNA’s structure is undeniable, controversy sur-
rounds how Watson and Crick obtained Franklin’s photo-
graphs and the fact that Franklin was not recognized for this
scientific breakthrough, particularly in terms of the Nobel
Prize. Because the Nobel Prize is not awarded posthumously,
Franklin, who died of cancer in 1958, did not receive the same
recognition as did Watson, Crick, and Wilkins.
The knowledge of the DNA structure, which has been
described as resembling a spiral staircase, has provided the
impetus for advanced research in the field of genetics. For
example, scientists can now determine predispositions for cer-
tain diseases based on the presence of certain genes. Also, the
exciting but sometimes controversial area of genetic engineer-
ing has developed.
Wilkins, Watson, and Crick were awarded the 1962
Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for their work which
uncovered the structure of hereditary material DNA. After
winning the Nobel Prize, Wilkins focused next on elucidating
the structure of ribonucleic acids (RNA)—a compound like
DNA associated with the control of cellular chemical activi-
ties—and, later, nerve cell membranes. In 1962, Wilkins was
able to show that RNAalso had a helical structure somewhat
similar to that of DNA. Besides his directorship appointments
at the Medical Research Council’s Biophysics Unit, Wilkins
was also appointed director of the Council’s Neurobiology
Unit, a post he held from 1974 to 1980. Additionally, he was a
professor at King’s College, teaching molecular biologyfrom
1963 to 1970, and then biophysics as the department head
from 1970 to 1982. In 1981, he was named professor emeritus
at King’s College. Utilizing some of his professional expertise
for social causes, Wilkins has maintained membership in the
British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (of which
he is president), the Russell Committee against Chemical
Weapons, and Food and Disarmament International.
Wilkins is an honorary member of the American Society
of Biological Chemists and the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences. He was also honored with the 1960 Albert
Lasker Award of the American Public Health Association
(given jointly to Wilkins, Watson, and Crick), and was named
Fellow of the Royal Society of King’s College in 1959.

See alsoDNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid); DNA chips and micro
arrays; Gene; Genetic mapping; Molecular biology and
molecular genetics

WWine makingINE MAKING

Along with bread making, the use of the microorganisms
called yeasts to produce wine from grapes is one of the oldest
uses of microorganisms by man. The origins of wine making
date from antiquity. Before 2000 B.C. the Egyptians would
store crushed fruit in a warm place in order to produce a liq-
uid whose consumption produced feelings of euphoria. The
manufacture and consumption of wine rapidly became a part

of daily life in many areas of the Ancient world and eventually
became a well-established part of Classical civilization. For
centuries, wine making has been an important economic activ-
ity. In certain areas of the world, such as France, Italy, and
Northern California, wine making on a commercial scale is a
vital part of the local economy.
The agent of the formation of wine is yeast. Yeasts are
small, single-celled fungithat belong to the genus Ascomycota.
Hallmarks of yeast are their ability to reproduce by the meth-
ods of fission or budding, and their ability to utilize compounds
called carbohydrates (specifically the sugar glucose) with the
subsequent production of alcohol and the gas carbon dioxide.
This chemical process is called fermentation.
Yeast cells are able to carry out fermentation because of
enzymesthey possess. The conversion of sugar to alcohol ulti-
mately proves lethal to the yeast cells, which cannot tolerate
the increasing alcohol levels. Depending on the type of yeast
used, the alcohol content of the finished product can vary from
around 5% to over 20%, by volume.
The scientific roots of fermentation experimentation
date back to the seventeenth century. In 1680 Anton van
Leeuwenhoekused his hand-built light microscopes to detect
yeast. Almost one hundred years later the French chemist
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier proposed that yeast was the agent
of the fermentation of sugar. This was confirmed in 1935 by
the examination of yeast vats with the greatly improved
microscopes of that day.
In the nineteenth century the role of yeasts as a catalyst
(that is, as an agent that accelerates a chemical process with-
out itself being changed in the process) was recognized by the
Swedish chemist Jons Berzelius. In the 1860s the renowned
microbiologist Louis Pasteurdiscovered that yeast fermenta-
tion could proceed in the absence of oxygen. In 1878 Wilhelm
Kuhne recognized that the yeast catalyst was contained inside
the cell. He coined the term “enzyme” for the catalyst.
In fact more than two dozen yeast enzymes participate in
the degradation of glucose. The degradation is a pathway, with
one reaction being dependent on the occurrence of a prior reac-
tion, and itself being required for a subsequent reaction. In total
some 30 chemical reactions are involved. These reactions
require the function of the various enzymes. The yeast cell is
the biological machine that creates the enzymes. Once the
enzymes are present, alcoholic fermentation can proceed in the
absence of living yeast. Enzymes, however, have only a finite
period of activity before they themselves degrade. Hence a
continual supply of fresh enzymes requires living yeast.
Many types of yeast exist. The stable types suitable for
making wine (and bread and beer) are the seven species of
yeast belonging to the genus Saccharomyces. The name comes
from the Greek words for sugar (sacchar) and fungus (Mykes).
The predominant species in wine making is Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. There are multiple strains of this species that pro-
duce wine. The selectionof yeast type is part of the art of wine
making; the yeast is matched to the grape and the fermentation
conditions to produce—the wine maker hopes—a finished
product of exceptional quality.
The natural source of yeast for wine making is often the
population that becomes dominant in the vineyard. Less

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