Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


nation of genetic sequences, most prominently the Human
Genome Project.
YAC contains the telomere, centromere, and origin of
replication elements. If these elements are spliced into DNA in
the proper location and orientation, then a yeast cell will repli-
cate the artificial chromosome along with the other, natural
chromosomes. The target DNA is flanked by the telomere
regions that mark the ends of the chromosome, and is inter-
spersed with the centromere region that is vital for replication.
Finally, the start site for the copying process is present. In
essence, the yeast is fooled into accepted genetic material that
mimics a chromosome.
The origin of the DNA that is incorporated into a YAC
is varied. DNA from prokaryotic organisms such as bacterial
or from eukaryotessuch a humans can be successfully used.
The power of YACs is best explained by the size of the DNA
that can be copied. Bacteriaare also capable of cloning DNA
from diverse sources, but the length of DNA that a bacterium
can handle is up to 20 times less than that capable of being
cloned using a YAC.
The engineered YAC is put back into a yeast cell by
chemical means that encourage the cell to take up the genetic
material. As the yeast cell undergoes rounds of growth and
division, the artificial chromosome is replicated as if it were a
natural chromosomal constituent of the cell. The result is a
colonyof many genetically identical yeast cells, each contain-
ing a copy of the target DNA. The target DNA has thus been
amplified in content. Through a subsequent series of proce-
dures, DNA can then be isolated from the rest of the DNA
inside the yeast cells.
Use of different regions of DNA in different YACs
allows the rapid determination of the sequence, or order of the
constituents, of the DNA. YACs were invaluable in this
regard in the sequencing of the human genome, which was
completed in preliminary form in 2001 The human genome
was broken into pieces using various enzymes. Each piece
could be used to construct a YAC. Then, sufficient copies of
each piece of the human genome could be generated so that
automatic sequencing machines would have enough material
to sequence the DNA.
Commonly, the cutting enzymes are selected so that the
fragments of DNA that are generated contain overlapping
regions. Once the sequences of all the DNA regions are
obtained the common overlapping regions allow the fragment
sequences to be chemically bonded so that the proper order
and the proper orientation is generated. For example, if no
overlapping regions were present, then one sequence could be
inserted backwards with respect to the orientation of its neigh-
bouring sequence.

See also Chromosomes, prokaryotic; Gene amplification;
Yeast genetics



YYeast geneticsEAST GENETICS

Yeastgenetics provides an excellent model for the study of the
genetics of growth in animal and plant cells. The yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiaeis similar to animal cells (e.g., sim-
ilar length to the phases of its cell cycle, similarity of the chro-
mosomal structures called telomeres). Another yeast,
Saccharomyces pombeis rather more similar to plant cells
(e.g., similarities in their patterns of division, and in organiza-
tion of their genome).
As well as being a good model system to study the
mechanics of eukaryotic cells, yeast is well suited for genetic
studies. Yeasts are easy to work with in the laboratory. They
have a rapid growth cycle (1.5 to two hours), so that many
cycles can be studied in a day. Yeasts that are not a health
threat are available, so the researcher is usually not in danger
when handling the organisms. Yeasts exist that can be main-
tained with two copies of their genetic material (diploid state)
or one copy (haploid state). Haploid strains can be mated
together to produce a diploid that has genetic traits of both
“parents.” Finally, it is easy to introduce new DNAsequences
into the yeast.
Genetic studies of the yeast cell cycle, the cycle of
growth and reproduction, are particularly valuable. For exam-
ple, the origin of a variety of cancers is a malfunction in some
aspect of the cell cycle. Various strains of Saccharomyces
cerevisiaeand Saccharomyces pombeprovide useful models
of study because they are also defective in some part of their
cell division cycle. In particular, cell division cycle (cdc)
mutantsare detected when the point in the cell cycle is
reached where the particular protein coded for by the defective
geneis active. These points where the function of the protein
is critical have been dubbed the “execution points.” Mutations
that affect the cell division cycle tend to be clustered at two
points in the cycle. One point is at the end of a phase known
as G1. At the end of G1 a yeast cell becomes committed to the
manufacture of DNA in the next phase of the cell cycle (S
phase). The second cluster of mutations occurs at the begin-
ning of a phase called the M phase, where the yeast cell com-
mits to the separation of the chromosomal material in the
process of mitosis.
Lee Hartwell of the University of Washington at Seattle
spearheaded the analysis of the various cdc mutants in the
1960s and 1970s. His detailed examination of the blockage of
the cell cycle at certain points—and the consequences of the
blocks on later events—demonstrated, for example, that the
manufacture of DNA was an absolute prerequisite for division
of the nuclear material. In contrast the formation of the bud
structures by Saccharomyces pombecan occur even when
DNA replication is blocked.
Hartwell also demonstrated that the cell cycle depends
on the completion of a step that was termed “start.” This step
is now known to be a central control point, where the cell
essentially senses materials available to determine whether the
growth rate of the cell will be sufficient to accumulate enough
material to permit cell division to occur. Depending on the
information, a yeast cell either commits to another cycle of
cell growth and division or does not. These events have been

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