Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


When thin sections of bacteria are viewed in the trans-
mission electron microscope, the membranes appear visually
similar to a railroad track. There are two parallel thickly
stained lines separated by an almost transparent region. The
dark regions are the charged head groups of molecules called
phospholipids. Bacterial phospholipids consist of the charged,
hydrophilic (“water-loving”) head region and an uncharged,
hydrophobic(“water-hating”) tail. The tail is buried within the
membrane and forms most of the electron-transparent region
evident in the electron microscope.
Phospholipids make up the bulk of bacterial mem-
branes. In Gram-positive bacteria and in the inner membrane
of Gram-negative bacteria the phospholipids are arranged
fairly evenly on either “leaflet” of the membrane. In contrast,
the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria is asymmetric
with respect to the arrangement of phospholipids. The major-
ity of the phospholipids are located at the inner leaflet of the
membrane. The outer leaflet contains some phospholipid, and
also proteins and a lipid molecule termed lipopolysaccharide.
The asymmetrical arrangement of the Gram-negative
outer membrane confers various functions to the bacterium.
Proteins allow the diffusion of compounds across the outer
membrane, as long as they can fit into the pore that runs through
the center of the protein. In addition, other proteins function to
specifically transport compounds to the inside of the bacterium
in an energy-dependent manner. The lipopolysaccharide com-
ponent of the outer membrane is capable of various chemical
arrangements that can influence the bacterium’s ability to elude
host immune defenses. For example, when free of the bac-
terium, lipopolysaccharide is referred to as endotoxin, and can
be toxic to mammals, including humans.
The presence of the outer membrane makes the existence
of the periplasm possible. The periplasm was once thought to
be just functionless empty space. Now, however, the periplasm
is now known to have very important functions in the survival
and operation of the bacterium. The region acts as a buffer
between the very different chemistries of the external environ-
ment and the interior of the bacterium. As well, specialized
transport proteins and enzymesare located exclusively in this
region. For example, the periplasm contains proteins that func-
tion to sense the environment and help determine the response
of a bacterium to environmental cues, such as occurs in the
directed movement known as chemotaxis.
Not all bacteria have such a cell wall structure. For
example the bacteria known as mycobacteria lack a peptido-
glycan and have different components in the cell membrane.
Specifically, a compound called mycolic acid is present. Other
bacteria called Mycoplasmalack a cell wall. They need to
exist inside a host cell in order to survive.
The synthesis of the cell wall and the insertion of new
cell wall material into the pre-existing wall is a highly coordi-
nated process. Incorporation of the new material must be done
so as not to weaken the existing wall. Otherwise, the bac-
terium would lose the structural support necessary for shape
and survival against the osmotic pressure difference between
the interior and exterior of the bacterium. Wall synthesis and
insertion involves a variety of enzymesthat function in both
the mechanics of the process and as sensors. The latter stimu-

late production of the cell wall as a bacterium readies for divi-
sion into two daughter cells.

See alsoBacterial ultrastructure; Bacterial surface layers

BBacterial movementACTERIAL MOVEMENT

Bacterial movement refers to the self-propelled movement of
bacteria. This movement is also referred to motility. The jig-
gling movement seen in some nonmotile bacteria that are inca-
pable of self-propelled movement is due to the bombardment
of the bacteria by water molecules. This so-called Brownian
motion is not considered to represent bacterial movement.
There are several types of bacteria movement. The most
common occurs by the use of appendages called flagella. A
bacterium can contain a single flagellum, several flagella
located at one or both poles of the cell, or many flagella dis-
persed all over the bacterial surface. Flagella can rotate in a
clockwise or counterclockwise direction. When the motion is
counterclockwise, even multiple flagella can unite into a fla-
gellar bundle that functions as a propeller. This occurs when
the bacterium is moving towards a chemical attractant or away
from a repellent in the behavior known as chemotaxis. If the
flagella turn in the opposite direction, the coordinated motion
of the flagella stops, and a bacterium will “tumble,” or move
in an undirected and random way.
Spirochaete bacteria have flagella that are internal.
These so-called axial filaments provide the rigidity that
enables the spiral bacterium to twist around the axis of the fil-
ament. As a result, the bacterium literally screws itself through
the fluid. Reversal of the twist will send the bacterium in a
reverse direction. Examples of bacteria that move in this man-
ner include Treponema pallidumand Rhodospirillum rubrum.
The bacteria that are known as gliding bacteriaexhibit
another type of bacterial movement. One example of a gliding
bacterium is the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria. Gliding move-
ment is exactly that; a constant gliding of a bacterium over a
surface. The basis of this movement is still not clear, although
it is known to involve a complex of proteins.
In a human host, disease causing bacteria such as
Salmonella typhymuriumcan move along the surface of the
host cells. This movement is due to another bacterial
appendage called a pilus. A bacterium can have numerous pili
on its surface. These hair-like appendages act to bind to sur-
face receptors and, when retracted, pull the bacteria along the
surface. Movement stops when a suitable area of the host cell
surface is reached.

See alsoBacterial appendages





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