Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

protein export, 2:453–454
protoplasts and spheroplasts, 1:230, 2:462
transduction, 2:549
See alsoMicroscope and microscopy
Bacteriochlorophyll. SeePhotosynthesis
Bacteriocidal and bacteriostatic, 1:54–55
disinfection and disinfectants, 1:158–160
sterilization, 2:531–532
Bacteriology. SeeBacteria; Bacterial infection
Bacteriophage and bacteriophage typing, 1:55–56,2:582
bacteriophage lambda, 1:340
Berg, Paul, 1:60–62
lysogeny, 1:356–357
lytic replication, 2:583
phage genetics, 2:433–434
phage therapy, 2:434
Phi X 174, 2:516
T phage, 2:477
transduction, 2:549
See alsoPhage genetics; Phage therapy
Bacteriophage lambda, 1:340, 2:433, 2:577
Bacteriorhodopsin, 2:437
Bacteroides fragilis,1:16
Bacteroides succinogenes,1:100
Baer, Karl Ernst von, 2:646
Bailey, W.T., Jr., 2:654
Baillou, Guillaume de, 2:402
Bain, Barbara, 2:656
Balbiani, Edouard G., 2:649
Baltimore, David, 1:56–57,2:657
Bamberger, Eugen von, 1:339
Barré-Sinoussi, Françoise, 2:400
Base pairing, 2: 490
Basidiomycetes, 1:57,2:407
hyphae, 1:284
lichens, 1:348, 2:407, 2:411
Basophils, 1:17
Bassi, Agostino, 1:247
Bateson, William, 2:650, 2:651
Bayer, Manfred E., 1:57–58
Bayou virus, 1:259
BCG vaccine, 2:432, 2:555–556
Bdellovibrio bacteriovorans,1:53
Beadle, George Wells, 1:175, 2:382, 2:541, 2:653, 2:656
Beaver fever. SeeGiardia and giardiasis
Beckwith, Jonathan Roger, 1:58
Beguin, Jean, 2:644
Behring, Emil von, 1:58–59,1:178, 1:272, 1:287, 1:325
Beijerinck, Martinus Willem, 1:59–60,1:316, 1:325, 2:528, 2:650, 2:651
Bell, Graham, 2:480
Benacerraf, Baruj, 1:288
Benda, Carl, 2:651
Benign endemic typhus, 2:492
Benzer, Seymour, 1:86, 2:655
Berg, Paul, 1:60–62,2:480, 2:657, 2:658
Bergey, David Hendricks, 1:62,2:451
Berkeley, Reverend M.J., 1:62–63
Berry, George P., 2:653
Berson, Solomon A., 2:608
Beta globulins, 1:250
Beta hemolysis, 1:80, 1: 80
Beta radiation, 2:479

Beveridge, Terrance J., 1:63
Bevis, Douglas, 2:654
Bichat, Marie-François-Xavier, 2:646
Bifidobacterium bifidum,2:381
Binary fission, 1:108
Binnig, Gerd, 1:37
Bioaugmentation, 1:73
Biochemical analysis techniques, 1:63–65
buffer, 1:95–96
electrophoresis, 1:182–183
enzymes, 1:192–194
fluorescence in situhybridization (FISH), 1:221–222, 2:415
protein crystallography, 2:452
See alsoBiochemistry; Dyes; Immunological analysis tech-
niques; Laboratory techniques in immunology; Laboratory
techniques in microbiology
Biochemistry, 1:65–66
Berg, Paul, 1:60–62
Donnan equilibrium, 1:165–166
electron transport system, 1:182
hydrophobic and hydrophilic, 1:281–282
Krebs cycle, 1:331–332
metabolism, 2:376–377
Miller-Urey experiment, 2:389–390, 2:403
oxidation-reduction reaction, 2:417
pH, 2:433
phospholipids, 2:435
proteins and enzymes, 2:455–457
respiration, 2:484–485
RNA, 2:488–492
See alsoBiochemical analysis techniques
Biochips, 1:77
Biodegradable substances, 1:66–67
biogeochemical cycles, 1:68–69
petroleum microbiology, 2:431–432
wastewater treatment, 2:590
Biofilm formation and dynamic behavior, 1:67–68
anti-adhesion, 1:23–24
chronic bacterial disease, 1:123–124
contamination, 1:275
dental plaque, 2:442
glycocalyx, 1:250
quorum sensing, 1:68, 2:474
vinegar production, 1:175
wastewater treatment, 2:590
Biogas, 2:379
Biogeochemical cycles, 1:68–69,1: 69
extraterrestrial microbiology, 1:209–211
fossilization of bacteria, 1:228
marine microbiology, 2:365–366
methane oxidizing and producing bacteria, 2:378–379
Biohazard, disposal of infectious microorganisms, 1:160–161
Bioinformatics and computational biology, 1:69–70,2:458
DNA chips and microarrays, 1:164
The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, 1:71
Biological warfare, 1:70–71
Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), 1:71–72, 1:78
See alsoBioterrorism
Biological weapons
biological warfare, 1:70–71
Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), 1:71–72, 1:75–76, 1:78
bioterrorism, 1:75–79
Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), 1:71–72,1:75–76, 1:78


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