Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Bioluminescence, 1:72,1:72–73
dinoflagellates, 1:73, 1:156–157
luminescent bacteria, 1:354
Bioremediation, 1:73–74,1: 74
biodegradable substances, 1:67
economic uses and benefits of microorganisms, 1:174–175
enzymes, 1:192–194
petroleum microbiology, 2:431,2:432
radiation-resistant bacteria, 2:478–479
zooplankton, 2:616–617
Biosensor technology, 1:77
Biotechnology, 1:74–75
bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), 1:48–49
bacteriophages and bacteriophage typing, 1:55–56
biological warfare, 1:70–71
bioremediation, 1:73–74
bioterrorism, 1:75–77
chemical mutagenesis, 1:114–115
chemotherapy, 1:116–117
contamination, 1:134
enzymes, 1:192–194
fluorescence in situhybridization (FISH), 1:221–222, 2:415
food preservation, 1:222–225
food safety, 1:225–226
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), 2:544
mutagenesis, 2:406
proteomics, 2:457–458
protoplasts and spheroplasts, 2:462
spectroscopy, 2:524–525
transmission electron microscope (TEM), 1:179–180, 2:388
viral vectors in gene therapy, 2:578–579
Bioterrorism, 1:75–79,1:78,2:660
anthrax, 1:19–22, 1:241, 2:467
fume hood, 1:229–230
genetic identification of microorganisms, 1:77
protective measures, 1:77–79
smallpox, 2:521–522
tularemia, 2:557–558
See alsoBiological warfare; Genetic identification of microor-
Bioterrorism, protective measures, 1:77–79,2:660
vaccine, 2:568–572
Vozrozhdeniye Island, 2:585
Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program (BPRP), 1:79
Birdseye, Charles, 1:224
Birnaviruses, 2:580
Bischoff, Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm, 2:647
Bishai, William R., 2:660
Bishop, Michael J., 2:658
Black, Sir James, 1:185
Black bread mold, 1:232
Black Creek Canal virus, 1:259
Black Death. SeeBubonic plague
Black flies, 2:423
“Black smokers,” 1:282
Black tide, 2:470
Blackburn, Elizabeth, 2:658
Blackheads, 1:2
Blaese, Michael R., 2:659
Blakemore, Richard, 2:360
Blastomyces dermatitidis,2:613
Blastomycosis, 2:613
Blattner, Frederick, 1:203

Blepharitis, 1:212
Blobel, Günter, 2:453, 2:515
antigens, 1:28
autologous banking, 1:38–39
blood type, 1:28
buffers in, 1:95–96
contamination, 1:135
See alsoBlood borne infections
Blood agar, hemolysis, and hemolytic reactions, 1:6, 1:80,1:80,1:257
Blood borne infections, 1:80–82,1: 81
Chagas disease, 1:111–112
meningitis, 2:374
Blood transfusions, antigens, 1:28
Blood type, antigens, 1:28
Bloom, Barry, 2:660
cyanobacteria, 1:82
dinoflagellates, 1:157
red tide, 1:156–157, 2:460, 2:481–482
snow blooms, 2:522
Blue-green algae, 1:82–83,1:154, 1:203
chlorophyll, 1:119
chloroplast, 1:120
fossils, 1:228
gas vacuoles, 1:235
lichens, 1:348, 2:407, 2:411
photosynthesis, 2:436
Blue River virus, 1:259
Boiling, to sterilize, 2:531–532
Boinformatics and computational biology, 1:77
Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, 1:34, 1:263
Bordet, Jules, 1:83–84,1:287, 2:651
Bordetella pertussis,2:429–430, 2:527
Borel, Jean-François, 1:84
Borosilicate glass, 2:468
Borrelia burgdorferi,1:82, 1:122, 1:123, 1:355–356, 2:526
Botox, 1:85
Botulism, 1:16, 1:84–85,2:576
Botulism toxin, 1:84–85
Boutonneuse fever, 2:493
Boveri, Theodor, 2:650, 2:651
Bovet, Daniele, 1:116
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. SeeBSE and CJD disease
Boyer, Herbert Wayne, 1:85–86,2:481, 2:657
BPRP. SeeBioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program
Bragg, Sir William Lawrence, 1:140
Brain-Hear Infusion (BHI) broth, 1:255
Bread mold, 1:232, 2:409
Brenner, Sydney, 1:86–87,1:141, 1:239, 2:375, 2:656
Brevitoxin, 1:157
Brewers yeast, 2:395
Bridges, Calvin Blackman, 2:652
Brill-Zinsser disease, 2:560
Brock, Thomas D., 1:88,2:540, 2:657
Broglie, Louis Victor de, 1:152–153,1:179–180, 2:388, 2:496
Bronchitis, 1:3
Brown algae, 1:6, 1:323–324, 2:421, 2:460
Brown-Sequard, Charles-Edouard, 2:650
Brown, D.R., 1:92
Brown, James, 2:652
Brown, Rachel, 1:260, 1:261
Brown, Robert, 2:646–647

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