Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

Brownian motion. SeeBacterial movement
Brucella abortus,1:88, 1:89
Brucella melitensis,1:88, 1:89
Brucella suis,1:88, 1:89
Brucellosis, 1:88–89,1:206, 2:425
Bruton’s agammaglobulinemia, 1:293
BSE, scrapie, and CJD, recent research advances, 1:92–93
BSE and CJD disease, 1:89–93,1:91,2:449
ethical issues and socio-economic impact, 1:90–92
food safety, 1:225–226
prions, 2:449
research advances, 1:92–93
BSE and CJD disease, ethical issues and socio-economic impact,
Bubonic plague, 1:93–95,1:94,1:188, 1:193–194, 1:274, 2:644
Buchanan, Robert Earle, 1:95,1:207
Buchner, Eduard, 1:66, 1:192, 1:217
Buchner, Hans, 1:66, 1:255, 1:287
Budding. SeeYeast
Buescher, Edward Louis, 2:424
Buffer, 1:95–96,2:433
Bulb polio, 2:446
Bulbospinal polio, 2:446
Bull kelp, 1:323
Bunyavirus group, 1:263
Burke, David, 2:610
Burkholderia mallei,1:70
Burkitt’s lymphoma, 1:201, 2:558
Burnet, Frank Macfarlane, 1:96–97,1:175, 1:321, 2:370, 2:652, 2:654
BWC. SeeBiological Weapons Convention

C substance, 1:337
Caenorhabditis elegans,1:87
CagA, 1:262
Caine, Roy, 1:184
Calanus, 2:616
Calmette, Leon Charles Albert, 2:432, 2:555
Calne, Donald, 1:288
Campylobacter jejuni,1:99, 2:386
food safety, 1:135, 1:226, 2:576
Campylobacteriosis, 1:99–100
chemotherapy, 1:116–117
as uncontrolled cell division, 1:105
Candida albicans,1:100, 2:380, 2:609, 2:612, 2: 612
Candida glabrata,1:100, 2:612
Candida guilliermondi,1:100
Candida krusei,1:100
Candida parapsilosis,1:100, 2:612
Candida tropicalis,1:100
Candidiasis, 1:100,2:612
skin infections, 2:516–517, 2:609
thrush, 1:261, 2:546–547, 2:609
Canine distemper, 2:575
Canning, 1:224–225
Capsid, 1:3, 2:583
See alsoGlycocalyx
Capsule, 1:48
Carageenan, 2:462

Carbon cycle in microorganisms, 1:100–101
aerobes, 1:5
biogeochemical cycles, 1:68–69
photosynthetic microorganisms, 2:437
plankton and planktonic bacteria, 2:440–441
Careers in microbiology, 2:371–373
Caries, 2:379–380
Carl Zeiss Foundation, 1:1
Caskey, Charles T., 2:657
Cassette mutagenesis, 2:406
Catecholamines, 1:16
Cauliflower mosaic virus (CMV), 2:515
Caullery, Maurice, 2:398
Caulobacter crescentus,1:67
Cb3 complement protein, 2:417
CD45, 2:428
CDC. SeeCenters for Disease Control
Cech, Thomas R., 1:101–103,2:659
Cell cycle and cell division, 1:103–105,1:104,1:106, 1:243
asexual generation and reproduction, 1:35–36
eukaryotic, 1:106–108
Golgi body, 1:251
prokaryotic, 1:106–108
See alsoCell cycle (eukaryotic), genetic regulation of; Cell cycle
(prokaryotic), genetic regulation of; Cell membrane transport
Cell cycle (eukaryotic), genetic regulation of, 1:106–108,1:107,1:243
chromosomes, 1:120–122
nucleus, 2:412
recombination, 2:481
transgenics, 2:550–551
See alsoGenetic regulation of eukaryotic cells
Cell cycle (prokaryotic), genetic regulation of, 1:108–109
chromosomes, 1:122–123
mutations and mutagenesis, 2:405–406
recombination, 2:481
restriction enzymes, 2:485
transgenics, 2:550–551
translation, 2:551–553
See alsoGenetic regulation of prokaryotic cells
Cell-mediated immune response. SeeImmunity, cell mediated
Cell membrane transport, 1:109–110,1: 110
electron transport system, 1:182
Golgi body, 1:251
hydrophobic and hydrophilic, 1:281–282
lysosome, 1:357
mitochondria and cellular energy, 2:392–393
phospholipids, 2:435
protein export, 2:453–454
Cell wall. SeeBacterial membranes and cell wall
Cellular immunity, 2:362
Cellular slime molds, 2:518
Cellulitis, 2:516
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1:78–79, 1:110–112
Central Dogma, 1:163, 2: 396
Centrifugation, 1:64
Cestodes, 2:423
CGD. SeeChronic granulomatous disease
Chagas, Carlos, 1:111
Chagas disease, 1:111–112
Chain, Ernst Boris, 1:112–113,1:116, 1:219, 1:276, 2:653
Chambers, Robert, 2:647


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