Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Chancroid, 2:512
Chang, Annie, 2:657
Chaperones, 1:113–114,1:261, 2:429, 2:582
Chargaff, Erwin, 2:595, 2:654
Charophyceae, 1:119
Chase, Martha Cowles, 1:114,1:269, 2:655
Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS), 1:297
Chemical mutagenesis, 1:114–115,1:161–164
See alsoMutations and mutagenesis
Chemoautotrophic and chemolithotrophic bacteria, 1:115–116,2:451
carbon cycle, 1:101
extremophiles, 1:211–212
hydrothermal vents, 1:282–283
methane oxidizing and producing bacteria, 2:378–379
photosynthetic microorganisms, 2:437
sulfur cycle, 2:536
Winogradsky column, 2:601
Chemotaxis, 1:47
See alsoBacterial movement
Chemotherapy, 1:116–117,2:416
Chermann, Jean-Claude, 2:400
Chiasmata, 1:105
Chickenpox, 2:572–573, 2:573
Childbed fever, 2:535
Chitin, 1:117–118,1:232
Chlamydiainfection, 2:512
eye infections, 1:213
pneumonia, 1:118
Chlamydia pneumoniae,1:118
Chlamydia psittaci,1:118, 2:445
Chlamydia trachomatis,1:118, 1:123
Chlamydial pneumonia, 1:118
Chlamydomonas, 2:460
Chlamydomonas nivalis,2:522
Chloramphenicol, typhoid, 2:560
Chlordexidine, as disinfectant, 1:159
Chlorella, 1:119
Chlorination, 1:119–120
cysts, 1:119
wastewater treatment, 2:590
Chloroflexus auranticus,1:249
Chlorophyceae, 1:119
Chlorophyll, 1:119
Chlorophyta, 1:119–120
chloroplasts, 1:82, 1:120, 1:155
protozoans, 2:462
Chlorophyta, 1:119–120,2:460
lichens, 1:348, 2:407, 2:411
Chloroplasts, 1:82, 1:120,1:155, 2:436
Chlortetracycline, 1:116
Cholera, 1:193, 1:196, 1:327
Cholera toxin, 1:189
Chorioretinitis, 1:212
Chromatiumspp., 2:409
Chromatography, 1:64
Chromosome number defects, 1:121
Chromosomes, 1:120–123,2:550
See alsoChromosomes, eukaryotic; Chromosomes, Prokaryotic
Chromosomes, eukaryotic, 1:120–122,2:387, 2:412
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 2:446–447
recombinant DNA molecules, 2:480–481
Chromosomes, prokaryotic, 1:122–123

bacteriophages and bacteriophage typing, 1:55–56
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 2:446–447
recombinant DNA molecules, 2:480–481
yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), 2:610–611
Chronic bacterial disease, 1:123–124
ear infections, 1:172
helicobacteriosis, 1:262
Chronic fatigue syndrome, mycoplasma, 2:408
Chronic gastritis, 1:262
Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), 1:297
Chronic hepatitis, 1:264, 1:314
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), 2:415, 2:416
Chrysochromulina polylepis,2:482
CHS. SeeChediak-Higashi syndrome
Chyrids, 1:232
Chytridiomycetes, 1:284, 2:407
cI protein, 1:356
Ciguatera, 1:157
Ciliates, 2:459
Ciliopa, 2:459
Ciprofloxacin, 2:467
Citric acid cycle, 2:484
CJD disease, 1:89–93
ethical issues and socio-economic impact, 1:90–92
research advances, 1:92–93
See alsoBSE and CJD disease
Cladina alpestris,1:349
Cladistics, 2:438
Cladocera, 2:616
Class A pipette, 2:439
Class B pipette, 2:439
Class I antigens, 2:554
Class I MHC genes, 2:361
Class I viruses, 2:577
Class II MHC genes, 2:361
Class II antigens, 2:554
Class II viruses, 2:577
Class III MHC genes, 2:361
Class III viruses, 2:577
Class IV viruses, 2:577
Class V viruses, 2:577
Class VI viruses, 2:577
Clinical microbiology. SeeMicrobiology, clinical
Clonal deletion, 2:539
Clonal selection theory, 1:302
Cloning: applications to biological problems, 1:124,1:230, 2:412, 2:658,
embryo cloning, 1:75
molecular cloning, 1:75
plasmids, 1:200, 2:442–443
positional cloning, 1:75
shotgun cloning, 1:49, 1:242, 2:515
therapeutic cloning, 1:124
yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), 2:610–611
Cloroxybacteria, 2:436
Clostridium. SeeBotulism
Clostridium baratii,1:84, 1:85
Clostridium botulinum,1:16, 1:84–85, 2:576
Clostridium butyricum,1:101
Clostridium difficile,2:465
Clostridium perfringens,thermal death, 2:546
Clostridium tetani,2:543
Club fungi, 1:232

General Index

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