Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

CML. SeeChronic myelogenous leukemia
CMV. SeeCauliflower mosaic virus
Coagulase, 1:125
Coccidiosis, 2:464
Codons, 2:457, 2:491
Cofactors, defined, 1:72–73
Cohen, Stanley N., 1:86, 1:125–126,2:481, 2:657
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius, 1:127,1:326, 2:648, 2:649
Cold (common cold), 1:127–128,1: 128
enterovirus infections, 1:190
home remedies, 1:129
viruses, 1:128–129
Cold-loving bacteria, 2:466
Cold pasteurization, 2:427
Cold viruses, 1:128–129
Coley, William, 1:286
Coliform bacteria. See Escherichia coli
Colitis, pseudomembranous, 2:465
Collins, Francis, 2:659
Colony and colony formation, 1:129–130
culture, 1:144–145
dilution theory and techniques, 1:156
germ theory of disease, 1:28, 1:246–247, 1:273
growth and growth media, 1:254–255
Pasteur, Louis, 2:424–426
See alsoBacterial growth and division
Colorado tick fever, 2:423
Colwell, Rita R., 1:130–131
Combined immunodeficiency. SeeImmunodeficiency disease syndromes
Commensalism, 2:382
Commercial uses of microorganisms. SeeEconomic uses and benefits of
Common cold. SeeCold
Common variable immunodeficiency, 1:294
Competent cells, 1:103
Competitive exclusion of bacterial adhesion. SeeAnti-adhesion methods
Complement, 1:26–27, 1:131,1:287, 2:416–417
Complement activation pathway, 1:131
Complement deficiency. SeeImmunodeficiency disease syndromes
Complement fixation tests, 1:83
Completed tests. SeeLaboratory techniques in microbiology
Complex media. SeeGrowth and growth media
Composting, microbiological aspects, 1:132,1:132–133
biogeochemical cycles, 1:68–69
economic uses, 1:174–175
soil formation, involvement of microorganisms, 2:523
Compound microscope. SeeMicroscope and microscopy
Computational biology. SeeBioinformatics and computational biology
Confirmed tests. SeeLaboratory techniques in microbiology
Confocal microscopy
biofilms, 1:68
Congenital immunodeficiency, 1:293
Conjugation, 1:49, 1:133–134,2:459
Conjugation pili, 1:48
Conjunctivitis, 1:3, 1:212
Conseil, Ernest Alfred, 2:402
Conservative transposition, 2:554
Contact transmission, 1:308, 1:310
Contamination, 1:64, 1:134–136,1:135,1: 136
by antiseptics, 1:31–32
bacterial and viral, 1:135–136
of bloodstream by Candida,1:100

Campylobacter jejuni,1:99
drinking water, 2:593
E. coliO157:H7, 1:171
Ebola virus, 1:173
food safety, 1:225–226
Giardiaand giardiasis, 1:248–249
hygiene, 1:283–284
indicator species, 1:308
luciferase reaction, 1:73
mesophilic, 2:376
mycobacteria, atypical, 2:407
nosocomial infection, 2:411–412
release prevention protocol, 1:134–135
Salmonellafood poisoning, 2:503–505, 2:558
transmission of pathogens, 2:553
water pollution and purification, 2:591–592
See alsoContamination and release prevention protocol
Contamination and release prevention protocol, 1:134–135
fume hood, 1:229–230, 1:284
Vozrozhdeniye Island, 2:585
Contamination, bacterial and viral, 1:135–136,1: 136
Contractile vacuole, 2:531
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, and the
Stockpiling of Bacteirological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and
on Their Destruction, 1:71
Cooking, food preservation, 1:224
Copeland, Herbert F., 2:458
Coronavirus, 1:129, 2:575
Correns, Carl, 2:651
Corticosteroids, allergies, 1:11
Cortisone, 1:218
Corynebacterium diphtheriae,1:53, 1:136–137
Coryneform bacteria, 1:136–137
Costerton, John William, 1:137
Coulter counter, 1:137–138
Coulter, Wallace H., 1:137
Cowie, Dean B., 1:343
Cowpox, 1:28, 1:138,1:272, 1:274, 1:287, 1:319, 2:584
Coxiella burnetii,1:199, 2:471–472
Coxsackie virus
eye infections, 1:258
hand-foot-mouth disease, 1:258
“Cradle cap,” 2:517
Creighton, Harriet B., 2:653
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. SeeBSE and CJD disease
Crick, Francis, 1:87, 1:114, 1:138–141,1:139,1:162, 1:239, 1:269,
2:655, 2:656
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, 1:263
cro protein, 2:433
“Cross-talk,” 1:130
Croup, 1:10
Crustacea, 2:616
Crustose lichens, 1:348
Cryoprotection, 1:141–142
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), 1:12–13
desiccation, 1:154
Cryptococcal meningitis, 1:142, 1:143
Cryptococci and cryptococcosis, 1:142–143
Cryptomonads, 2:469, 2:470, 2:488
Cryptosporidium and cryptosporidiosis, 1:143–144
cysts, 1:119
drinking water, 2:594


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