Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

antiviral drugs, 1:33
bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), 1:48–49
base pairing, 2: 490
Berg, Paul, 1:60–62
Brenner, Sydney, 1:86–87
Cech, Thomas R., 1:101–102
cell cycle and cell division, 1:103–105
chips and microarrays, 1:164
conjugation, 1:133
double helix, 1:162, 1: 162
episomes, plasmids, insertion sequences, and transposons, 1:200
eukaryotes, 1:120–122, 1:204
genetic code, 1:238–240
hybridization, 1:165
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), 2:544
life, origin of, 1:349–351
luciferase reaction, 1:73
lysogeny, 1:356–357
Miller-Urey experiment, 2:389–390, 2:403
mitochondrial DNA, 2:393
“naked” DNA, 1:10
nucleus, 2:412
origin of life, 1:351
phenotype and phenotypic variation, 2:435
plasmids, 1:200, 2:442–443
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 2:446–447
protein crystallography, 2:452
proteins and enzymes, 2:455–457
radiation-resistant bacteria, 2:478–479
recombinant DNA, 1:60–62, 1:230, 2:480–481
recombination, 2:481
replication, 1: 163
restriction enzymes, 2:485
retroposons and transposable elements, 2:485–486
shotgun cloning, 1:49, 1:242, 2:515
taq enzyme, 2:540,2:540–541
transcription, 2:548–549
transduction, 2:439
transformation, 2:549–550
transposable elements, 2:485–486
transposition, 2:554
transposons, 2:554
Watson, James D., 1:114, 1:138, 2:594–595,2: 595
See alsoMolecular biology and molecular genetics; Mutations
and mutagenesis; Polymerase chain reaction
DNA chips and microarrays, 1:164,2:446–447, 2:458
DNA fingerprinting, 1:175, 2:658
DNA hybridization, 1:165
cloning, 1:124
plasmids, 1:200, 2:442–443
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 2:446–447
taq enzyme, 2:540–541
transgenics, 2:550–551
DNA phages, 1:55
DNA polymerase, 1:108, 2:540
Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 2:653
Dochez, Alphonse, 1:337
Dodge, Bernard O., 2:652
Doering, William E., 2:602
Dogs, viral infections of, 2:575
Domagk, Gerhard, 1:116, 2:535
Domoic acid, 2:482
Donnan equilibrium, 1:165–166

Donnan, Frederick George, 1:165
Doolittle, W. Ford, 1:166
DOT. SeeDirectly Observed Therapy
Double helix, 1:162, 1: 162
Down syndrome, 1:121
Downy mildew, 2:461
Drinking water
water pollution and purification, 2:591–592
water quality, 2:592–594
Dropping pipette, 2:439
Dry heat sterilization, 2:532
Dry rot, 1:232
du Bois-Reymond, Emil, 1:73
Dubos, René, 1:116, 1:166–168
Duclaux, Pierre, 2:649
Duggar, Benjamin Minge, 1:116
Dulbecco, Renato, 1:56, 2:655, 2:657
Dust mite, allergies, 1:11
Dutrochet, René-Joachim-Henri, 2:646
acridine orange, 1:2–3, 1:24
fluorescent dyes, 1:222
See alsoBiochemical analysis; Laboratory techniques in
immunology; Laboratory techniques in microbiology
Dysentery, 1:168–170,1: 169
amebic dysentery, 1:11–12, 1:169, 1:186–187, 1:248–249, 2:423,
bacillary dysentery, 1:168, 2:514
Entamoeba histolytica,1:169, 1:186–187
Shigella dysenteriae,1:168, 2:514–515

E. coli. See Escherichia coli
Ear infections
chronic, 1:172
Ebola hemorrhagic fever, 1:263
Ebola virus, 1:81, 1:81,1:172–173,1:173,1:264, 2:585, 2:657
Ecology of the oral cavity. SeeMicrobial flora of the oral cavity
Ecology of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. SeeMicrobial flora of
the stomach and gastrointestinal tract
Economic uses and benefits of microorganisms, 1:174–175
biodegradable substances, 1:66–67
bioremediation, 1:73–74
chemical mutagenesis, 1:114–115
composting, 1:132–133
fermentation, 1:217–218
genetic engineering, 1:75
kelp, 1:323–324
lactic acid bacteria, 1:336
luminescent bacteria, 1:354
marine microbiology, 2:366
petroleum microbiology, 2:431–432
radioisotopes, 2:479–480
Rhodophyta, 2:488
wastewater treatment, 2:590
wine making, 2:599–601
See alsoBiotechnology
EcoRI, 2:485
Edelman, Gerald M., 1:29, 1:175–176,2:391
EGF. SeeEpidermal growth factor
Egregia menziesii,1:323


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