Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Ehrlich, Paul, 1:59, 1:177–179,1:251, 1:253, 1:272, 1:274, 1:287, 1:289,
1:303, 2:511, 2:538, 2:650, 2:652
Eklund, Carl, 2:464
Electromagnetic radiation, bacteriocidal methods, 1:54
Electron microscope
examination of microorganisms, 1:180–181, 1: 181
Ruska, Ernst, 2:496
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 1:180, 2:388
transmission electron microscope (TEM), 1:179,1:179–181,
Electron microscope, transmission and scanning, 1:179–180
Electron microscopic examination of microorganisms, 1:180–181,1:222
Electron paramagnetic resonance, 2:524
Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), 2:525
Electron transfer chain, 2:484
Electron transport system, 1:182,2:377, 2:437
Electrophoresis, 1:182–183,1:333
gel electrophoresis, 1:242
immunoelectrophoresis, 1:298
pulsed field gel electrophoresis, 1:122
spectroscopy, 2:524–525
See alsoImmunoelectrophoresis
Elephantiasis, 2:423
Elford, William J., 2:653
Elion, Gertrude Belle, 1:116, 1:183–185
ELISA. SeeEnzyme-linked immunosorbant assay
Elk horn kelp, 1:323
Ellis, Emory L., 2:653
Embden, G., 1:217
Embryo cloning, 1:75
Empedocles, 2:643
Endemic typhus, 2:493, 2:560
Enders, John F., 1:185–186,2:369, 2:403, 2:500, 2:596, 2:654
Endocytosis, 1:109
Endoflagella, 1:48
Endometriosis, 2:483
Endotoxin, 1:351
Entamoeba dispar,1:186, 1:315
Entamoeba histolytica,1:186–187,1:315
amebic dysentery, 1:11, 1:169, 2:423
forms of, 1:12
Enterobacteriaceae, 1:187–188,2:386
infections, 1:188–189, 1:236
Enterobacterial infections, 1:188–189,1:236
Enteropathogenic E. coli(EPEC), 1:315
Enterotoxin and exotoxin, 1:189
blue-green algae, 1:82
botulism, 1:84–85
Clostridium difficile,2:465
E. coliinfections, 1:171
Enterobacteriaceae, 1:187
food safety, 1:225–226
lipopolysaccharide and its constituents, 1:351–352
protein export, 2:453–454
red tide, 2:481
toxic shock syndrome, 2:547–548
Enterotoxin B, 1:189
Enterovirus infections, 1:190,1:258

Enzyme induction and repression, 1:191–192
Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA), 1:8, 1:190–191,1:191,
Enzyme repression, 1:192
Enzymes, 1:192–194,2:456
acne and, 1:2
cell cycle, 1:243
cell cycle regulation, 1:106
cytokines, 1:145
defined, 1:15
glucose degradation, 2:484
growth factors, 1:104, 1:106
induction and repression, 1:191–192
lysosome, 1:357
phenol oxidase, 1:142–143
restriction enzymes, 1:56, 1:61, 1:182, 1:183, 2:485
structure of, 1:192
taq enzyme, 2:540–541
See alsoProteins and enzymes
Enzymes, induction and repression, 1:191–192
EPEC. SeeEnteropathogenic E. coli
Ephrussi, Boris, 2:397
Epidemic Information Exchange (Epi-X), 1:79
Epidemic parotitis. SeeMumps
Epidemic typhus, 2:492, 2:493, 2:560
Epidemics. SeeEpidemics and pandemics; Epidemics, bacterial;
Epidemics, viral; Epidemiology
Epidemics, bacterial, 1:195–196
bubonic plague, 1:93–95, 1:94,1:188, 1:193–194, 1:195, 1:274
cholera, 1:193, 1:196
dysentery, 1:168–169
epidemiology, 1:198–200
leprosy, 1:196, 1:346–348
meningitis, 1:195–196
pertussis, 2:429–430
syphilis, 1:251
tuberculosis, 1:196
See alsoBacteria; Bacterial infection; Epidemics and pandemics;
History of public health
Epidemics, viral, 1:196–198
AIDS, 1:7–9
epidemiology, 1:198–200
foot-and-mouth disease, 1:227–228, 1:354
Great Flu Epidemic of 1918, 1:220–221
hantavirus and Hanta disease, 1:198, 1:258–259
hemorrhagic fevers, 1:197
hepatitis, 1:264
HIV, 1:197
influenza, 1:193–194, 1:196–197, 1:220–221, 1:312
smallpox, 1:196, 2:520–522
yellow fever, 2:613–614
See alsoEpidemics and pandemics; History of public health;
Viral infection; Viruses
Epidemics and pandemics, 1:193–194,1:194,1:195,1:197,1: 275
epidemiology, 1:198–200
germ theory of disease, 1:28, 1:246–247, 1:273
historical chronology, 2:643–660
rinderpest, 2:648
smallpox, 2:520, 2:521
tracking diseases with technology, 1:199–200
transmission of pathogens, 2:553
See alsoEpidemics, bacterial; Epidemics, viral

General Index

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