Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

Hand-foot-mouth disease, 1:258
Hand washing, 1:283, 1: 283
Hansen, Christian, 2:609
Hansen’s disease. SeeLeprosy
Hansma, Paul, 1:37
Hantavirus and Hanta disease, 1:198, 1:258–259,2:659
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), 1:258, 1:259, 1:263
Hantzsch, Arthur, 1:339
Hartwell, Lee, 2:611
Harvey, William, 1:246, 2:644
Hata, Sahachiro, 2:538
HAV. SeeHepatitis and hepatitis viruses
Hay fever, 1:10, 1: 11
Hayes, William, 1:133, 2:655
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Program (HACCP),
Hazen, Elizabeth, 1:260–261
HBV. SeeHepatitis and hepatitis viruses
HCV. SeeHepatitis and hepatitis viruses
HDV. SeeHepatitis and hepatitis viruses
Health Alert Network (HAN), 1:79
Hearst, John, 1:102
Heart disease, Chlamydia trachomatis,1:123
Heartworm, 2:423
Heat, bacteriocidal methods, 1:54
Heat shock proteins, 1:113, 1:261
Heat shock response, 1:47, 1:261
Heating, for food preservation, 1:224
Heatley, Norman, 2:427
Heavy mutagenesis, 2:406
Heber-Katz, Ellen, 2:660
Heidelberger, Charles, 1:116
Heidelberger, Michael, 1:287
Helicobacter pylori,1:262, 2:366, 2:381, 2:386
Helicobacteriosis, 1:262
Helminths, 2:423, 2:597
Helper T cells, 1:288
Hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA), 1:262–263
Hemolysis and hemolytic reactions, 1:80
Hemophiliacs, blood borne infection, 1:82
Hemophilus. See Haemophilus
Hemorrhagic colitis, 1:171
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), 1:258, 1:259
Hemorrhagic fevers and diseases, 1:80–82, 1:263–264
arenavirus, 1:34–35
dengue fever, 1:153–154, 1:263, 2:499
Ebola virus, 1:172–173
epidemics, 1:197
hantavirus and Hanta disease, 1:258–259
as public health issue, 2:467
Henle, Friedrich Gustav, 2:647
HEPA filter. SeeFume hood
Hepadnaviruses, 1:264, 1:264,2:584
Hepatitis and hepatitis viruses, 1:264–267,1:265,2:513
chronic, 1:264, 1:314, 2:558
hepatitis A virus (HAV), 1:264, 2:580
hepatitis B virus (HBV), 1:264, 1:265–266, 2:508, 2:558, 2:584
hepatitis C virus (HCV), 1:264, 1:266–267, 2:508
hepatitis D virus (HDV), 1:267
hepatitis E virus (HEV), 1:264, 1:267
hepatitis G virus (HGV), 1:267
seroconversion, 2:508
vaccine, 1:265, 2:513

Herpes and herpes virus, 1:267–268,1:340, 2:513, 2:581, 2:584
blood borne infection, 1:82
chemotherapeutic agent, 1:116
Epstein-Barr virus, 1:82, 1:201, 1:267, 2:399, 2:584
herpes zoster virus, 1:212
HHV4, 1:267
HHV5, 1:267
HHV6, 1:267
HHV7, 1:267
HHV8, 1:267
HSV-1 (HHV1), 1:267
HSV-2 (HHV2), 1:267
Herpes zoster virus (HZV), 1:212
Hershey, Alfred Day, 1:114, 1:268–270,2:654, 2:655, 2:657
Hertwig, Wilhelm, 2:649, 2:650
Hesse, Walter, 2:649
Heterokaryon, 1:230
Heterotrophic bacteria, 1:203, 1:255, 1:270,1:270
HEV. SeeHepatitis and hepatitis viruses
Hfr strains, Escherichia coli,1:133
HFRS. SeeHemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
HGV. SeeHepatitis and hepatitis viruses
HHV. SeeHerpes and herpes virus
High efficiency particulate air filter. SeeFume hood
Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART), 1:9
Hildegard of Bingen, 2:644
Hillier, James, 1:180
Hinshelwood, Cyril, 1:86
Hinton, William A., 2:538
Hippocrates, 2:643
Histamine, 1:11, 1:16, 1:270–271
Histocompatibility, 1:271,1:280
History of development of antibiotics, 1:116, 1:276,1:276–277
Fleming, Alexander, 1:218–219
germ theory of disease, 1:28, 1:246–247, 1:273
nosocomial infections, 2:411–412
penicillin, 2:427, 2:511
sulfa drugs, 2:535
History of immunology, 1:271–273
Avery, Oswald Theodore, 1:39–41
historical chronology, 2:643–660
Koch’s postulates, 1:247, 1:274, 1:327, 1:328, 1:353
measles, 2:368–369
mumps, 2:402–403
Schick, Bela, 2:505–506
History of microbiology, 1:273–274,1: 274
DNA, 1:161–163
fermentation, 1:217–218
food preservation, 1:222–225
food safety, 1:224–225
germ theory of disease, 1:28, 1:246–247, 1:273
historical chronology, 2:643–660
Koch’s postulates, 1:247, 1:274, 1:327, 1:328, 1:353
History of public health, 1:274–276,1: 275
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1:110–112
chemotherapy, 1:116–117
food preservation, 1:222–225
germ theory of disease, 1:28, 1:246–247, 1:273
gonorrhea, 1:251
Koch’s postulates, 1:217, 1:247, 1:274, 1:328, 1:353
measles, 2:368–369
mumps, 2:402–403


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