Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

Jerne, Niels D., 1:321–322,2:392
Jock itch, 2:517
Johannsen, Wilhelm, 1:237, 2:651
Johnsen, C.D., 1:252
Johnson, Claude D., 2:402
Johnson, Irving S., 1:116
Johnson, William Arthur, 1:331
“Jumping genes,” 2:555
Jungle yellow fever, 2:613
Junin virus, 1:34, 1:35
Justinian, 2:644

Kahn, Reuben Leon, 2:538
Kaposi’s sarcoma, 1:267, 1:314
Karstroem, Henning, 2:398
Karyotype analysis, 1:121, 2:415
Kearns-Sayre syndrome, 2:393
Kelp and kelp forests, 1:6, 1:323–324,2:421, 2:460
Kendall, Edward, 1:287
Keratitis, 1:212
Keratoconjunctivitis, 1:3
Khorana, Har Gobind, 1:324–325,2:657
Killer T cells, 1:288
Kinetochores, 1:244
Kirby-Bauer disk-diffusion assay, 1:7
“Kissing bugs,” 1:111
“Kissing disease.” SeeMononucleosis, infectious
Kitasato, Shibasaburo, 1:59, 1:272, 1:287, 1:325
Klebs, Edward Theodore, 2:650
Klebsiella,ultrastructure of, 1: 52
Klebsiellainfection, 1:188
Kluyver, Albert Jan, 1:325–326,2:409, 2:652
Knoll, Max, 1:179–180, 2:496
Knoop, Franz, 1:330
Koch, Robert, 1:59, 1:177, 1:252, 1:272, 1:273, 1:274,1:325,
1:326–328,1:327,1:353, 2:648, 2:649, 2:650
agar, 1:6
anthrax, 1:19, 1:247, 1:326
cholera, 1:327
Pfeiffer, Richard, 2:432
tuberculosis, 1:327, 2:555
Koch’s postulates, 1:247, 1:274, 1:327, 1:328,1:353
Kohl, 1:31
Köhler, Georges, 1:28, 1:30, 1:321, 1:328–329,2:392, 2:657
Kolletschka, Jakob, 2:508
Koplik’s sports, 2:368
Kornberg, Arthur, 1:324, 2:655, 2:656
Kossel, Albrecht, 1:162, 2:489
Kovalevsky, Alexander, 2:377
Krebs, Hans Adolf, 1:192, 1:329–331,2:653
Krebs cycle, 1:331–332,2:392–393
Kristensen, Reinhardt Mobert, 2:659
Kühne, Wilhelm Friedrich, 2:649
Kunkel, Henry, 1:175, 1:176
Kuru, 1:90
Kyasanur Forest disease, 1:263

L-forms, 2:462
Laboratory techniques in immunology, 1:333–334,1:334,2: 439

contamination, 1:133–135
disposal of infectious microorganisms, 1:160–161
electrophoresis, 1:182–183, 1:333
ELISA, 1:190–191, 1:333–334
enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA), 1:190–191
epidemiological tools, 1:199–200
fluorescence in situhybridization (FISH), 1:221–222, 2:415
growth and growth media, 1:254–255, 1:335–336
immune complex test, 1:285–286
immunoelectrophoresis, 1:298, 1:333
Koch’s postulates, 1:247, 1:274, 1:327, 1:328, 1:353
monoclonal antibodies, 1:334
pipette, 2:438–439
protein crystallography, 2:452
Pyrex, 2:468–469
recombinant DNA molecules, 2:480–481
spectroscopy, 2:524–525
in vitroand in vivoresearch, 1:307–308
See alsoBiochemical analysis techniques; Immunological analy-
sis techniques; Microscope and microscopy
Laboratory techniques in microbiology, 1:335,1:335–336,2: 439
acridine orange and, 1:2–3, 1:24
agar and agarose, 1:5–7
agar diffusion, 1:7
antibodies, 1:27
bacteriophages and bacteriophage typing, 1:55–56
blood agar, hemolysis, and hemolytic reactions, 1:80
buffer, 1:95–96
conjugation, 1:133–134
contamination, 1:133–135
Coulter counter, 1:137–138
culture, 1:144–145
dilution theory and techniques, 1:156
disposal of infectious microorganisms, 1:160–161
electron microscopic examination of microorganisms, 1:180–181
epidemiological tools, 1:199–200
fluorescence in situhybridization (FISH), 1:221–222, 2:415
germ theory of disease, 1:28, 1:246–247, 1:273
Gram staining, 1:253–254
growth and growth media, 1:254–255, 1:335–336
Koch’s postulates, 1:247, 1:274, 1:327, 1:328, 1:353
Petri, Richard Julius, 2:430–431
pipette, 2:438–439
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 2:446–447
protein crystallography, 2:452
Pyrex, 2:468–469
radioisotopes, 2:479–480
recombinant DNA molecules, 2:480–481
spectrophotometer, 2:523–524
spectroscopy, 2:524–525
steam pressure sterilizer, 2:530–531
sterilization, 2:531–532
thermal death, 2:546
in vitroand in vivoresearch, 1:307–308
See alsoBiochemical analysis techniques; Microscope and
LAC. SeeLupus anticoagulant
Lactic acid bacteria, 1:336,2:381
Lactobacillus,1:23, 1:336–337
Lactobacillus acidophilus,1:174, 1:337, 2:450
Lactobacillus bulgaricus,1:337
Lactobacillus GG,1:337, 2:450
LAD. SeeLeukocyte adhesion defect


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