Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Lamarck, Jean, 2:646
Lambda pipette, 2:439
Lancefield, Donald, 1:337
Lancefield, Rebecca Craighill, 1:337–338
Landsteiner, Karl, 1:29, 1:287, 1:338–340,1:339,2:509, 2:651
Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 2:646
Lassa fever, 1:34, 1:263
Lassa virus, 1:34
Latent viruses and disease, 1:340–341
Epstein-Barr virus, 1:82, 1:201, 1:267, 2:399
herpes and herpes virus, 1:267–268
varicella zoster virus, 2:573–574
LAV. SeeLymphadenopathy-associated virus
Laveran, C.L. Alphonse, 2:649
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 2:645, 2:646
LCR. SeeLigase change reaction
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), 2:393
Lederberg, Esther M., 2:654, 2:655
Lederberg, Joshua, 1:55, 1:133, 1:274, 1:341–343,1:342,2:382, 2:541,
2:542, 2:654, 2:655, 2:656
Leeches, 2:423
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van, 1:1, 1:246, 1:273, 1:343,1:343–344,2:388,
Legionella pneumophila,2:445
invasiveness of, 1:315
Legionnaires’ disease, 1:344
Pontiac disease, 1:345
Legionnaires’ disease, 1:344–346,1: 345
Lenscrafting, Abbe, Ernst, 1:1
Lentivirinae, 2:493
Lentiviruses, 2:519
Lepromatous leprosy, 1:346–347
Leprosy, 1:196, 1:251, 1:309,1:346–348,1: 347
Leptothrix discophora,2:514
Lethal dose 50, 1:336
Leukemia virus. SeeHuman T-cell leukemia virus
Leukocyte adhesion defect (LAD), 1:297
Levaditi, Constantin, 1:340
Levan, Albert, 2:656
Levene, Phoebus, 2:489, 2:651, 2:653
Levine, Philip, 1:339, 1:340
LHON. SeeLeber hereditary optic neuropathy
Lice, 2:423
Lichen planus, 1:348
Lichens, 1:348–349,2:407, 2:411
Life, origin of, 1:349–351,1: 350
Murchison meteorite, 2:403
oxygen cycle, 2:418–419
Ligase change reaction (LCR), 1:240
Light microscope, 2:388, 2: 389
Lindenmann, Jean, 1:314, 2:656
LINEs. SeeLong interspersed elements
Linkage mapping, 1:241–242
Linnaeus, Carolus, 2:450, 2:645
Lipmann, Fritz, 1:331, 2:653
Lipopolysaccharide and its constituents, 1:47, 1:351–352
Lister, Joseph, 1:134, 1:247, 1:274, 1:352,1:353,2:411
Listeria monocytogenes,2:466
Listeriosis, 2:466
Localized mutagenesis, 2:406
Lockjaw. SeeTetanus
Loeb, Jacques, 2:651

Loeffler, Friedrich August Johannes, 1:227, 1:352–354,1:353,2:650,
Loefflerella mallei,1:353
Long interspersed elements (LINEs), 2:486
Long terminal repeats (LTRs), 2:486
LPS. SeeLipopolysaccharide
LTRs. SeeLong terminal repeats
Luciferase, 1:72, 1:73, 1:354
Luciferase reaction, 1:73
Luciferin, 1:72, 1:73
Lucretius, 2:643
Ludwig, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm, 1:255
Ludwig, Ernst, 1:339
Luminescent bacteria, 1:354,2:474
Lupus anticoagulant (LAC), 2:483
Luria, Salvador E., 1:55, 1:268, 1:269, 2:594, 2:653, 2:654, 2:657
lux gene system, 1:354
LuxR, 1:354
Lwoff, André, 1:317, 2:397, 2:398, 2:656
Lyme disease, 1:82, 1:123, 1:355–356,1:356, 2:468
Lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV), 2:400
Lymphocytes. SeeT cells (T lymphocytes)
Lymphokines, 1:291
Lysogeny, 1:340–341, 1:356–357,2:434
Lysosomes, 1:146, 1:357


M protein, 1:338
Machupo virus, 1:34
MacLeod, Colin Munro, 1:114, 1:274, 2:359–360,2:367, 2:654
MacPherson, Ian, 2:400
Macrocystis pyrifera,1:323
Macrophages, 1:315
Mad cow disease. SeeBSE and CJD disease
Madei, 2:519
Maedi-visna virus, 2:519
Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum,2:360, 2:361
Magnetotactic bacteria, 1:63, 2:360–361,2:525–526
Mahoney, John F., 2:538
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 1:292, 2:361–363,2:554
autoimmunity, 1:38
histocompatibility, 1:271
human leukocyte antigens (HLAs), 1:280
transplantation genetics and immunology, 2:553–554
Malaria and physiology of parasitic infections, 2:363–364,2:443, 2:461
Mallon, Mary, 2:559
Malphigi, Marcello, 2:645
MALT. SeeMucus-associated lymphoid tissue
“Malta” fever, 1:206
Mamamorosch, Karl, 2:655
Mantoux test, 1:290
Marburg hemorrhagic fever, 1:263
Marburg virus, 1:264, 2:585
Margulis, Lynn, 2:364–365,2:657
Marine microbiology, 2:365,2:365–366
bioluminescence, 1:72–73, 1:354
Jannasch, Holger Windekilde, 1:319
kelp and kelp forests, 1:323–324
Marrack, John, 2:653
bacterial fossils in Martian rocks, 1:228

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