Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


clinical, 2:384–387
historical chronology, 2:643–660
history of, 1:273–274
medical training and careers in microbiology, 2:371–373
petroleum microbiology, 2:431–432
proteomics, 2:457–458
radioisotopes, 2:479–480
in vitroand in vivoresearch, 1:307–308
See alsoHistory of microbiology; Laboratory techniques in
microbiology; Marine microbiology; Microscope and
microscopy; Qualitative and quantitative analysis in microbi-
ology; Quality control in microbiology; Veterinary microbiol-
Microbiology, clinical, 2:384–387,2:385,2: 386
Microcystin, 1:82
Microcystis aeruginosa,1:82
Microorganisms, 2:387
attractants and repellents, 1:37
biogeochemical cycles, 1:68–69
carbon cycle, 1:100–101
nitrogen cycle, 2:410–411
oxygen cycle, 2:418–419
sulfur cycle, 2:536
See alsoBacteria; Bacterial infection; Fungal infection; Fungi;
Genetic identification of microorganisms; Microbial symbio-
sis; Microbial taxonomy; Microscope and microscopy; Viral
infection; Viruses and responses to viral infection
Micropipettes, 2:439
Microscope and microscopy, 1:335, 2:388–389,2: 389
Abbe, Ernst, 1:1
atomic force microscope, 1:36–37
bacterial ultrastructure, 1:53–54
electron microscope, 1:179–180
electron microscopic examination of microorganisms, 1:180–181
epifluorescence microscopy, 1:222
field ion microscope, 1:180
fluorescent dyes, 1:222
immunofluorescence microscopy, 1:299
light microscope, 2:388, 2: 389
negative staining, 1:181
scanning confocal microscope, 2:473
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 1:180, 2:388
scanning tunneling microscope (STM), 2:388
spectroscopy, 2:524–525
transmission electron microscope (TEM), 1:179,1:179–181,
See alsoDyes; Laboratory techniques in microbiology
Microwave spectroscopy, 2:524
Miescher, Johann, 1:161, 2:488, 2:648
Miller, Jacques, 2:656
Miller, Stanley L., 1:351, 2:389, 2:390–391
Miller-Urey experiment, 2:389–390,2:403, 2:563
Milstein, César, 1:28, 1:30, 1:321, 2:391–392,2:392,2:657
Milstein-Köhler technique, 1:30
Missense mutations, 2:405
Mitchell, Peter, 1:182
Mites, 2:423
Mitochondria and cellular energy, 2:392–393
disorders of, 2:393
Krebs cycle, 1:331–332
mitochondrial DNA, 2:393
mitochondrial inheritance, 2:393–394
Mitochondrial DNA, 2:393

mitochondria and cellular energy, 2:392–393
mitochondrial inheritance, 2:393–394
See alsoMutations and mutagenesis
Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and strokelike
episodes (MELAS), 2:393
Mitochondrial EVE, 2:394
Mitochondrial inheritance, 2:393–394
Miller-Urey experiment, 2:389–390, 2:403
mitochondria and cellular energy, 2:392–393
mitochondrial DNA, 2:393
See alsoMutations and mutagenesis
Mitosis, 1:103–104, 1: 104
eukaryotes, 1:106–107, 1:121, 1:243–244
MMR. SeeMeasles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine
Moist heat sterilization, 2:532
Mold, 2:394–395
colony and colony formation, 1:129–130
Dictyostelium discoideum,1:155
eye infections, 1:213
Neurospora crassa,2:409–410
Sick Building Syndrome, 2:408
slime molds, 1:155, 2:461, 2:518–519
See alsoMycology
Molecular biology and molecular genetics, 2:395–397,2: 396
amino acid chemistry, 1:14–16, 1: 15
Asilomar conference, 1:36
bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), 1:48–49
bacterial ultrastructure, 1:53–54
fluorescence in situhybridization (FISH), 1:221–222, 2:415
gene, 1:237–238
mitochondrial inheritance, 2:393–394
oncogene, 2:415
phenotype and phenotypic variation, 2:435
plasmids, 1:200, 2:442–443
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 2:446–447
protein crystallography, 2:452
protein export, 2:453–454
proteomics, 2:457–458
radiation mutagenesis, 2:477–478
restriction enzymes, 2:485
transduction, 2:549
transformation, 2:549–550
transgenics, 2:550–551
translation, 2:551–553
in vitroand in vivoresearch, 1:307–308
See alsoMutations and mutagenesis
Molecular chaperones, 1:113
Molecular cloning, 1:75
Molecular rotational resonance spectroscopy, 2:524
Möllendorff, Wilhelm von, 1:330
Monera, 2:450
Monoclonal antibodies, 1:28, 1:29–30,1:304, 1:334
Monod, Jacques Lucien, 1:138, 1:141, 1:318, 2:381, 2:397–399,2:656
Mononucleosis, infectious, 1:201, 2:399
Monovalent antiserum, 1:32
Montagnier, Luc, 1:7, 1:233, 1:234, 2:399–401,2:400,2:658
Montague, Mary Wortley, 1:246, 2:401–402,2:569
Moore, Ruth Ella, 2:402
Moore, Stanford, 2:657
Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 1:161, 1:237, 1:241, 2:398, 2:652
Mosquitoes, as carriers of disease, 2:423
Mössbauer, Rudolf, 2:525
Mössbauer effect, 2:525

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