Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Nucleotides, 2:488, 2:552
See alsoGenetic code
Nucleus, 2:412,2: 413
Nutrition, immunology and, 1:305
Nuttall, George H.F., 2:413–414
Nystatin, 1:261

Ochoa, Severo, 1:324, 2:656
O157:H7, infection. See Escherichia coli
Oil spills, 2: 431
bioremediation, 1:73, 1:74,2:431–432
Olitsky, Peter K., 2:500
Olson, Maynard, 2:658
OmpC, 2:447
OmpF, 2:447
Omsk hemorrhagic fever, 1:263
Oncogene, 1:104, 1:243, 2:415,2:480, 2:558
See alsoOncogene research
Oncogene research, 1:299–300, 2:415–416,2:558
See alsoOncogene
Oncovirinae, 2:493
Oomycota, 2:461
Oparin, Aleksander, 1:350
Operating rooms, infection control, 1:310
Operon, 1:237, 1:354, 2:398, 2:416
Opossum shrimp, 2:616
Opportunistic infections, 2:612
See alsoNosocomial infections
Opsonization, 1:131, 2:416–417
Optic infections. SeeEye infections
Oral cavity. SeeMicrobial flora of the oral cavity
Origin of life. SeeLife, origin of
Orla-Jensen, Sigurd, 2:651
Oropharyngeal candidiasis, 2:546
Orthomyxoviruses, 1:311–312, 2:580, 2:584
Osmosis, cell membrane transport, 1:109
Oswald-Folin pipette, 2:439
Otic infections. SeeEar infections
Otitis media, 1:172
Ottenberg, Reuben, 1:339
Owen, Ray D., 2:370
Oxidation-reduction reaction, 2:417
Oxygen cycle in microorganisms, 1:68–69, 2:418,2:418–419,2:437
Oxyluciferin, 1:72
Oysters, toxins in, 1:226, 1: 226

Pandemics. SeeEpidemics and pandemics
Panos, Theodore Constantine, 2:424
Papillomavirus, 2:513
Papovaviruses, 2:581, 2:584
Paracelsus, 2:644
Parainfluenzae virus, 2:575
Paralytic polio, 2:446
Paralytic rabies, 2:476
Paralytic shellfish poisoning, 1:157, 2:482
Paramecium, 2:421–422,2:422,2:459, 2:463
Paramyxovirus group, 2:368

Parasexual systems, 1:230
Parasites, 2:422–423
Entamoeba histolytica,1:11, 1:12, 1:169, 1:186–187, 1:315
hyphae, 1:284
life cycle of, 2:363
mastigophora, 2:366–367
Plasmodium,2:363, 2:443–444
protozoa, 2:462–464
rare genotype advantage, 2:480
Sporozoa, 2:459, 2:526
Parasitic infection, 2:423–424
amebic dysentery, 1:11–12, 1:169, 1:186–187, 1:248–249, 2:423
Chagas disease, 1:111–112
cryptosporidiosis, 1:143
cryptosporidium, 1:143
giardiasis, 1:248–249
malaria, 2:363–364
toxoplasmosis, 2:548
Parasitism, 2:382
Parasitology, 2:422
Pardée, Arthur, 1:141, 1:318
Park, James T., 2:655
Parkman, Paul Douglas, 2:424
Parvoviruses, 2:580, 2:584
Passive immunity, 1:288–290
Passive immunization, 1:289–290
Pasteur Institute, 2:426, 2:650
Pasteur pipette, 2:439
Pasteur, Louis, 1:18,1:167, 1:192, 1:247,1:303, 2:424–426,2: 425
animal models of infection, 1:18
anthrax, 2:425
fermentation, 2:647
food preservation, 1:224
germ theory of disease, 1:28, 1:246–247, 1:273
pasteurization, 1:54, 1:246, 1:272, 2:426–427, 2:532, 2:569
rabies, 2:425, 2:475, 2:650
vaccines, 1:289, 2:495–496, 2:569
Pasteurella,2:426, 2:426
Pasteurella multocida,1:23, 2:426, 2:576
Pasteurella pneumotrophica,2:426
Pasteurization, 1:54, 1:246, 1:272, 2:426–427,2:532, 2:569
Pathogens. SeeMicrobiology, clinical; Transmission of pathogens
PBPs. SeePenicillin-binding proteins
PCR. SeePolymerase chain reaction
PDGF. SeePlatelet-derived growth factor
Pearson, Karl, 2:651
Pelagophycus porra,1:323
Penicillin, 1:25, 2:427–429
bactericidal nature of, 1:54–55
Fleming, Alexander, 1:218–219
history of, 1:112, 1:276, 2:511
Penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), 2:427
Penicillin F, 1:276
Penicillin G, 1:276
Penicillin V, 1:276
Penicillium camemberti,2:395
Penicillium chrysogenum,1:230
Penicilliummold, 2:395
Penicillium notatum,colony, 1:130,1: 277
Penicillium roqueforti,2:395
Penninger, Josef Martin, 1:123, 2:428

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