Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


multiplex PCR, 1:240–241
mycoplasma, 2:408
reverse transcriptase PCR, 1:241
taq enzyme, 2:540–541
Polyomaviruses, 2:584
Pontiac fever, 1:345
Popovic, Mikulas, 1:234
Porin proteins, 2:447
Porins, 2:429, 2:447–448,2: 448
Porphyra, 2:488
Porter, Rodney R., 1:29, 1:175, 1:176, 2:656
Portier, Paul, 1:287
Positional cloning, 1:75
Postherpetic neuralgia, 2:574
Poulik, M.D., 1:176
Pour plate technique, 1:335
Poxviruses, 2:583
miscarriage, 2:473
reproductive immunology, 2:483–484
Rh incompatibility, 2:487–488
varicella, 2:573
Presumptive tests. SeeLaboratory techniques in microbiology
Prichard, James Cowles, 2:646
Priestley, Joseph, 2:645
Primary wastewater treatment, 2:590
Prion diseases, 2:520
BSE and CJD disease, 1:89–93
Prions, 2:449,2:449,2:465, 2:520
Probiotics, 2:450
anti-adhesion, 1:23–24
See alsoMicrobial flora of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), 2:519, 2:584
Progressive rubella panencephalitis, 2:519
Prokaryotae, 2:450–451
Prokaryotes, 1:51, 2:450–451
cell cycle and cell division, 1:103–105
cellular respiration, 2:484
chromosomes, 1:122–123
DNA, 1:161
genetic regulation, 1:106–108, 1:244–245
metabolism, 2:377
protein synthesis, 2:454–455
See alsoCell cycle (prokaryotic), genetic regulation of;
Chromosomes, prokaryotic; Cytoplasm, prokaryotic; Genetic
regulation of prokaryotic cells; Prokaryotic membrane trans-
Prokaryotic chromosomes, 1:122–123
Prokaryotic membrane transport, 2:451–452
protein export, 2:453–454
signal hypothesis, 2:515–516
Promoter, 2:548
Prontosil, 2:535
Prophase, 1:103, 1:106–107
Propionibacterium acnes,acne and, 1:2, 1:2,2:380
Propionibacterium granulosum,acne and, 1:2
Prospect Hill virus, 1:259
Protease inhibitors, 1:8
Proteases, HIV and, 1:8
Protein. SeeProtein crystallography; Protein export; Protein synthesis;
Proteins and enzymes

Protein crystallography, 2:452,2: 453
Protein electrophoresis. SeeElectrophoresis
Protein export, 2:453–454
porins, 2:447–448
prokaryotic membrane transport, 2:451–452
signal hypothesis, 2:515–516
Protein synthesis, 2:454–455,2: 455
ribosomes, 2:492
transcription, 1:238, 1:261, 2:486, 2:489, 2:548–549, 2: 549
translation, 2:551–553
Proteins and enzymes, 2:455–457,2: 456
amino acid chemistry, 1:14–16, 1: 15
antigenic mimicry, 1:30–31
bacterial membrane and cell wall, 1:52
cell cycle and cell division, 1:103–105
chaperones, 1:113, 1:261, 2:429, 2:582
cytokines, 1:145
dietary, 1:16
electrophoresis, 1:182–183
eukaryotic cell cycle, 1:106–108
prokaryotic cell cycle, 1:108–109
protein crystallography, 2:452
protein export, 2:453–454
protein structure, 1:15
protein synthesis, 2:454–455
structure, 2: 456
synthesis, 2:454–455, 2:492, 2:551–553
translation, 2:551–553
See alsoEnzymes
Proteomics, 1:108, 1:244, 2:457–458
Proteusinfection, 1:188
Protista, 1:205, 2:387, 2:450, 2:458, 2:458–462,2: 461
bioluminescence, 1:72–73
chlorophyta, 1:119–120, 1:348, 2:407, 2:411, 2:460
Phaeophyta, 2:421
Pyrrophyta, 2:469–470
Rhodophyta, 2:488
sleeping sickness, 2:517–518
Sporozoa, 2:459, 2:526
Xanthophyta, 2:605–606
Proto-oncogenes, 1:104
Protobacteria, 1:51
Protoplasts and spheroplasts, 1:230, 2:462
Protozoa, 2:423, 2:459, 2:462–464,2:616
cryptosporidium, 1:143–144, 1:315
cysts, 1:119
Entamoeba histolytica,1:11, 1:12, 1:169, 1:186–187
mastigophora, 2:366–367
paramecium, 2:421
Plasmodium,2:363, 2:443–444
soil formation, involvement of microorganisms, 2:523
Sporozoa, 2:459, 2:526
Stentor,2:531, 2:531
See alsoProtozoan infection
Protozoan infection, 2:464
blood borne infection, 1:80–82
Chagas disease, 1:111–112
cryptosporidiosis, 1:143–144
giardiasis, 1:248–249
sleeping sickness, 1:178, 2:367, 2:462, 2:517–518
toxoplasmosis, 2:548
See alsoProtozoa

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