Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

PrP protein, 1:92, 2:449, 2:465, 2:520
PrPSc protein, 1:90
Prusiner, Stanley, 1:90, 1:92, 2:448, 2:464–465
Pseudocalanus, 2:616
Pseudomembranous colitis, 2:465
Pseudomonadaceae, 2:465
Pseudomonas,1:213, 2:432, 2:465–466
Pseudomonas aeruginosa,1:48, 1:68, 1:123, 1:250, 2:386, 2:412,
Pseudomonas mallei,2:465
Pseudomonas stutzeri,2:411
Pseudoplasmodium, 1:155, 2:518
Psychrophilic bacteria, 2:466,2:522
Ptashne, Mark Steven, 2:657
Ptychodiscus brevis,2:481
Public health, current issues, 2:466–468
AIDS, 1:7–9, 2:467
anthrax, 1:19–22, 2:467
BSE and CDJ disease, 1:89–93
hemorrhagic fevers, 1:263–264, 2:467
hepatitis and hepatitis viruses, 1:264–267
human immunodeficiency virus, 1:279–280
Lyme disease, 2:468
pertussis, 2:429–430
rabies, 2:477
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 2:510–514
tuberculosis, 1:111, 1:123, 1:168, 1:196, 2:467, 2:555–557
wastewater treatment, 2:590
West Nile virus, 2:597–598
World Health Organization (WHO), 2:603–604
Public health. SeeHistory of public health; Public health, current issues
Puerpueral sepsis, 2:535
Puffballs, 1:232
Pulse-chase experiment, 2:479
Pulsed field gel electrophoresis, 1:122
Purdey, Mark, 1:92
Purkinje, Jan Evangelista, 2:647
Purple non-sulfur bacteria, 2:436
Purple sulfur bacteria, 2:536
Pus, 1:2, 1:3
Puumula virus, 1:259
Pyrex: construction, property, and uses in microbiology, 2:468–469,
2: 469
Pyrimethamine, 1:184
Pyrolobus fumarii,1:211
Pyrrophyta, 1:157, 2:469–470

Q fever, 1:199, 2:471,2:471–472
Qualitative and quantitative analysis in microbiology, 1:156, 2:472–474,
2: 473
See alsoLaboratory techniques in microbiology; Microscope and
Quate, Calvin, 1:36
Queensland tick typhus, 2:493
Quorum sensing, 1:68, 2:474

Rabies, 2:475–477,2: 476
antiserum, 1:32
vaccine, 1:28, 2:569

Rabies vaccine, 1:28, 2:569
Radiation, foods, 1:225, 2:532
Radiation mutagenesis, 2:477–478
Radiation resistant bacteria, 2:477, 2:478–479,2:532
Radioisotopes and their uses, 2:477–478, 2:479–480
Radiolabeling, 2:479–480
Radiolarians, 2:459
Raji cell assay, 1:286
Raman spectroscopy, 2:525
Ramon, Gaston, 1:289
Rapkine, Louis, 2:397
Rare genotype advantage, 2:480,2:506–507
Rat-flea typhus, 2:560
Rat typhus, 2:492
Recombinant DNA molecules, 1:60–62, 1:230, 2:480–481
Recombination, 1:207, 1:230, 2:481,2:657
Red algae, 2:460, 2:462, 2:488
Red blood cells, antigens, 1:27–28
Red-brownish algae, 2:469
Red Queen Hypothesis, 2:480
Red tide, 1:156–157, 2:460, 2:481–482,2: 482
Red water fever, 2:464
Redi, Francisco, 1:246, 2:645
Reduction division, 1:104
Reduviid bugs, 1:111
Reed, Walter, 2:545, 2:651
Refrigeration, 1:66
Reichert, Karl Bogislaus, 2:647
Reindeer lichens, 1:349
Reiter’s syndrome, 2:515
Release factors (RF), 2:455
Reoviruses, 2:580
Replication, 1: 163
enzymes, role in, 2:456–457
virus replication, 2:581–582
Replicative transposition, 2:554
Reproduction, protozoa, 2:463
Reproductive immunology, 2:483–484
rER. SeeRough endoplasmic reticulum
Resistance to disease. SeeInfection and resistance
Respiration, 2:484–485
carbon cycle, 1:100–101
mitochondria and cellular energy, 2:392–393
oxygen cycle, 2:418–419
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 2:585
Restriction enzymes, 1:56, 1:61, 1:182, 1:183, 2:485, 2:485,2:485
Restriction map, 1:242
Retinoic acid, 1:2
Retroposons and transposable elements, 2:485–486
Retroviruses, 1:234, 2:486–487,2:581, 2:585
antiretroviral drugs, 1:33
human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV), 1:281
RNA, 2:489
RNA tumor viruses, 2:493–494
as vector in gene therapy, 2:579
Retroviruses, oncogene, 2:415, 2:558
Reverse transcriptase, 2:486–487
Reverse transcriptase PCR, 1:241
Reverse transcription. SeeTranscription
Reye’s syndrome, 1:313
RF-1, 2:455
RF-2, 2:455
RF-3, 2:455


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