Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

Syphilis, 2:537–538
epidemic, 1:251
Wasserman test, 1:83, 2:589–590
Szostak, Jack William, 2:658


T-8 lymphocytes, 2:593
T-8 suppressor cells, 2:540
T-cell growth factor, 1:234
T-cell leukemia virus. SeeHuman T-cell leukemia virus
T cell receptor (TCR), 2:539
T cells (T lymphocytes), 1:288, 1:291, 1:303, 2:539–540
AIDS, 1:9
allergies, 1:10–11
immune synapse, 1:286–287
immune system, 1:287–288
T delayed hypersensitivity cells, 1:292
T4 phage, 1:55
T phages, 2:577
T suppresser cells, 1:292
Taiwan acute respiratory agent, 1:118
Tamoxifen, 1:116
Tapeworms, 2:423
Taq enzyme, 2:540,2:540–541
Tatum, Edward Lawrie, 1:175, 1:274, 1:341, 2:382, 2:540–541,2:653,
2:654, 2:656
Taxol, 1:116, 2:438
Taxonomy. SeeMicrobial taxonomy
Taxus brevifolia,2:438
Taxus cuspidata,2:438
TCR. SeeT cell receptor
Teissier, Georges, 2:398
Teliomycetes, 1:57
Telomeres, 1:123
Telophase, 1:103, 1:107, 1:244
TEM. SeeTransmission electron microscope
Temin, Howard, 1:56, 2:657
Temperate phages, 2:433
Temperature sensitivity. SeeMutants: enhanced tolerance or sensitivity
to temperature and pH ranges
Terrorism. SeeBioterrorism
Tetanolysin, 2:543
Tetanospasmin, 2:543
Tetanus and tetanus immunization, 2:543
antiserum, 1:32
vaccine, 2:543
Tetanus toxoid, 2:543
Tetracyclines, 1:116, 1:118
Tetrad, 1:105
Thales, 2:643
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), 1:48, 2:544
Theiler, Max, 2:544–546,2:653
Therapeutic cloning, 1:124
Thermal death, 2:546
Thermal death point, 2:546
Thermophilic bacteria, 1:133, 1:211
Thermophilic fungi, composting, 1:133
Thermotolerant bacteria. SeeExtremophiles
Thermus aquaticus,1:88, 1:211, 2:540
Thiobacillus ferroxidans,1:101, 1:115, 2:536
Thiobacillus prosperus,2:536
Thiobacillus thiooxidans,1:115, 2:536

Thiosarcina rosea,2:409
Thiotrix,1:115, 2:536
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth, 2:652
Thrush, 1:261, 2:546–547
Thylakoid sacs, 1:120
“Thyphoid Mary,” 2:559
Thyrotricin, 1:116
Ticks, 1:82, 2:423
Tiger mosquito, 1:153
TIGR. SeeThe Institute for Genomic Research
Tijo, Joe Hin, 2:656
Tinea capitis, 2:517
Tinea corporis, 2:517
Tinea cruris, 2:517
Tiselium, Arne, 1:183
Tiselius, 2:651
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), 2:441, 2:528, 2:547,2:582
Beijerinck, Martinus Willem, 1:59–60, 1:316
Ivanovsky, Dmitri Iosifovich, 1:316
Todd, Alexander, 1:324, 2:489
Togaviruses, 2:580
Tonegawa, Susuma, 2:658
Toxic shock syndrome, 2:529, 2:534, 2:547–548
Toxins. SeeEnterotoxin and exotoxin
Toxoid, 1:32
Toxoplasma gondii,2:548
Toxoplasmosis, 2:526, 2:548
Tracking diseases with technology. SeeEpidemiology, tracking diseases
with technology
Transcription, 1:238, 1:261, 2:486, 2:489, 2:548–549,2: 549
Transduction, 2:549
Transfer RNA (tRNA), 2:489, 2:491, 2:551
Transformation, 2:462, 2:549–550
Transgenics, 2:550–551
biodegradable substances, 1:66–67
Transient hypogammaglobulinemia, 1:301
Transitions, 2:555
Translation, 1:33, 2:548, 2:551–553,2: 552
Transmembrane proteins, 1:109
Transmission electron microscope (TEM), 1:179,1:179–180, 2:388
Transmission of pathogens, 2:553,2: 553
blood borne infections, 1:80–82
food safety, 1:225–226
hygiene, 1:283–284
Transplantation genetics and immunology, 2:553–554
cloning, 1:124
history of, 1:307
immunosuppressant drugs, 1:306–307
major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 2:361–363
Transport proteins, 1:109
Transposable elements, 2:485–486
Transposase, 2:485–486
Transposition, 2:485–486, 2:554–555
Transposons, 1:126, 1:200, 2:554, 2:555
Trematodes, 2:423
Trembley, Abraham, 2:645
Treponema. SeeSyphilis
Treponema pallidum,1:52, 2:526, 2:589
Treviranus, Gottfried Reinhold, 2:646
Triatomines, 1:111
Trichinella spiralis,2:423, 2:597
Trichonymphs, 2:462


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