Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Trinucleotide repeat mutations, 2:405
Trisomy 21, 1:121
tRNA. SeeTransfer RNA
Trypan red, 1:178
Trypanosoma brucei,1:81, 2:517
Trypanosoma cruzi,1:111
Trypanosomes, 1:111, 2:367, 2:462
Trypanosomiasis, 2:517
Tuberculin, 1:327
Tuberculin test, 1:290
Tuberculoid leprosy, 1:346
Tuberculosis, 2:555–557,2: 556
Center for Disease Control (CDC), 1:111
chronic disease, 1:123
Dubos, René, 1:168
epidemics, 1:196
history of, 2:555, 2:557
Koch, Robert, 1:327
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB), 2:556
as public health issue, 1:111, 1:123, 1:168, 1:196, 2:467,
tuberculin test, 1:290
Tularemia, 2:557–558
Tumor viruses, 2:558
Turner, J.R., 2:494
Twort, Frederick, 1:55, 2:652
Tyndall, John, 1:273
Type A influenza virus, 1:312
Type B influenza virus, 1:312
Type I interferon, 1:314
Type I restriction enzymes, 2:486
Type II interferon, 1:314
Type II restriction enzymes, 2:486
Type III restriction enzymes, 2:486
Typhoid fever, 1:188, 2:503, 2:558–560
Typhoidal Salmonellainfection, 1:188
Typhus, 2:492, 2:493, 2:560–561
Tyrothricin, 1:167

Ulcers, 1:11, 1:262, 2:366, 2:371
Ultra-violet sterilization. SeeSterilization
Ultrapasteurization, 2:427
Ulva, 2:461
Ulvophyceae, 1:119
Underwood, Michael, 2:446
Undulant fever, 1:206
Urchin barren, 1:323
Ureaplasma urealyticum,2:408
Urey, Harold, 1:351, 2:389, 2:390, 2:563–565,2: 564
Urinary tract infections, adenoviruses, 1:3
Ustomycetes, 1:57

VacA, 1:252
Vaccination, 1:289,2:567–568,2: 568
history of, 1:28, 1:319–320
See alsoImmunization; Vaccine
Vaccine, 2:568–572,2: 571

AIDS, 1:9, 2:513, 2:570–571
arenaviruses, 1:35
BCG vaccine, 2:432, 2:555–556
E. coli0157:H7, 1:23, 1:172
flu vaccines, 1:313
foot-and-mouth disease, 1:228
Haemophilus influenzae,2:374–375
hemorrhagic diseases, 1:264
hepatitis, 1:265, 2:513
immune stimulation, 1:286
Junin virus, 1:35
leprosy, 1:347
Lyme disease, 1:356
measles, 2:369
measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, 2:567
mumps, 2:403
pertussis, 2:429–430
pneumonia, 2:445
polio, 1:186, 2:499, 2:570
Q fever, 2:471
rabies, 1:28, 2:569
RNA cancer vaccine, 1:117
rotavirus gastroenteritis, 1:236
Salmonella,2:504, 2:505
sexually transmitted diseases, 2:512–514
swine fever, 2:537
tetanus, 2:543
tularemia, 2:558
typhoid fever, 2:558–560
yellow fever, 2:545, 2:614
See alsoImmunization; Vaccination
Vaccine gene tun, 1:117
Vacuoles. SeeGas vacuoles and gas vesicles
Vacuum drying, 1:223
Van Beneden, Edouard, 2:649, 2:650
van Leeuwenhoek, Anton, 1:1, 1:246, 1:273, 1:343,1:343–344,2:388,
van Neil, Cornelius B., 1:325, 2:409,2:436, 2:458
Vanterpool, Thomas C., 2:652
Varicella, 2:402–403, 2:572–573
Varicella zoster virus (VZV), 2:572, 2:573–574,2:584
Variola virus, 2:520–521, 2:574
Variolation, 1:271–272
Varmus, Harold Elliot, 2:658
gene therapy, 2:578–579
parasitic infection, 2:423
Venereal disease. SeeSexually transmitted disease
Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever, 1:34, 1:263
Venter, John Craig, 2:544, 2:574–575,2:659, 2:660
Verotoxin, 1:171
Vesalius, Andreas, 2:644
Vesicles. SeeGas vacuoles and gas vesicles
Veterinary microbiology, 2:575–577,2: 576
foot-and-mouth disease, 1:227–228, 1:354
rabies, 2:475–477
swine fever, 2:536–537
tracking diseases with technology, 1:199–200
See alsoAnimal models of infection; Zoonoses
Viable but nonculturable bacteria, 2:577
Vibrational spectroscopy, 2:525
Vibrio cholerae
cholera, 1:193

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