Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


the sugary network. This mass represents the biofilm. The
sugar constituent is known as glycocalyx, exopolysaccharide,
or slime.
As the biofilm thickens and multiple layers of bacteria
build up, the behavior of the bacteria becomes even more
complex. Studies using instruments such as the confocal
microscopecombined with specific fluorescent probes of var-
ious bacterial structures and functional activities have demon-
strated that the bacteria located deeper in the biofilm cease
production of the slime and adopt an almost dormant state. In
contrast, bacteria at the biofilm’s periphery are faster-growing
and still produce large quantities of the slime. These activities
are coordinated. The bacteria can communicate with one
another by virtue of released chemical compounds. This so-
called quorum sensingenables a biofilm to grow and sense
when bacteria should be released so as to colonize more dis-
tant surfaces.
The technique of confocal microscopy allows biofilms
to be examined without disrupting them. Prior to the use of the
technique, biofilms were regarded as being a homogeneous
distribution of bacteria. Now it is known that this view is
incorrect. In fact, bacteria are clustered together in “micro-
colonies” inside the biofilm, with surrounding regions of bac-
teria-free slime or even channels of water snaking through the
entire structure. The visual effect is of clouds of bacteria ris-
ing up through the biofilm. The water channels allow nutrients
and waste to pass in and out of the biofilm, while the bacteria
still remain protected within the slime coat.
Bacterial biofilms have become important clinically
because of the marked resistance to antimicrobial agents that
the biofilm bacteria display, relative to both their planktonic
counterparts and from bacteria released from the confines of
the biofilm. Antibioticsthat swiftly kill the naked bacteria do
not arm the biofilm bacteria, and may even promote the devel-
opment of antibiotic resistance. Contributors to this resistance
are likely the bacteria and the cocooning slime network.
Antibiotic resistant biofilms occur on artificial heart
valves, urinary catheters, gallstones, and in the lungs of those
afflicted with cystic fibrosis, as only a few examples. In the
example of cystic fibrosis, the biofilm also acts to shield the
Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria from the antibacterial
responses of the host’s immune system. The immune response
may remain in place for a long time, which irritates and dam-
ages the lung tissue. This damage and the resulting loss of
function can be lethal.

See alsoAnti-adhesion methods; Antibiotic resistance, tests
for; Bacterial adaptation

BBiogeochemical cyclesIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES

The term biogeochemical cycle refers to any set of changes
that occur as a particular element passes back and forth
between the living and non-living worlds. For example, car-
bon occurs sometimes in the form of an atmospheric gas (car-
bon dioxide), sometimes in rocks and minerals (limestone and
marble), and sometimes as the key element of which all living

organisms are made. Over time, chemical changes occur that
convert one form of carbon to another form. At various points
in the carbon cycle, the element occurs in living organisms
and at other points it occurs in the Earth’s atmosphere, litho-
sphere, or hydrosphere.
The universe contains about ninety different naturally
occurring elements. Six elements, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus, make up over 95% of the
mass of all living organisms on Earth. Because the total
amount of each element is essentially constant, some cycling
process must take place. When an organism dies, for example,
the elements of which it is composed continue to move
through a cycle, returning to the Earth, to the air, to the ocean,
or to another organism.
All biogeochemical cycles are complex. A variety of
pathways are available by which an element can move
among hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.
For instance, nitrogen can move from the lithosphere to the
atmosphere by the direct decomposition of dead organisms
or by the reduction of nitrates and nitrites in the soil. Most
changes in the nitrogen cycle occur as the result of bacterial
action on one compound or another. Other cycles do not
require the intervention of bacteria. In the sulfur cycle, for
example, sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere can react directly
with compounds in the earth to make new sulfur compounds
that become part of the lithosphere. Those compounds can
then be transferred directly to the biosphere by plants grow-
ing in the earth.
Most cycles involve the transport of an element
through all four parts of the planet—hydrosphere, atmo-
sphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. The phosphorous cycle is an
exception since phosphorus is essentially absent from the atmos-
phere. It does move from biosphere to the lithosphere (when
organisms die and decay) to the hydrosphere (when phospho-
rous-containing compounds dissolve in water) and back to the
biosphere (when plants incorporate phosphorus from water).
Hydrogen and oxygen tend to move together through
the planet in the hydrologic cycle. Precipitation carries water
from the atmosphere to the hydrosphere and lithosphere. It
then becomes part of living organisms (the biosphere) before
being returned to the atmosphere through respiration, transpi-
ration, and evaporation.
All biogeochemical cycles are affected by human activ-
ities. As fossil fuels are burned, for example, the transfer of
carbon from a very old reserve (decayed plants and animals
buried in the earth) to a new one (the atmosphere, as carbon
dioxide) is accelerated. The long-term impact of this form of
human activity on the global environment, as well as that of
other forms, is not yet known. Some scientists assert, however,
that those affects can be profound, resulting in significant cli-
mate changes far into the future.

See alsoBiodegradable substances; Carbon cycle in microor-
ganisms; Composting, microbiological aspects; Economic
uses and benefits of microorganisms; Evolution and evolu-
tionary mechanisms; Evolutionary origin of bacteria and
viruses; Nitrogen cycle in microorganisms; Oxygen cycle in

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