Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Bacterial blood borne infection can occur, typically in
the transfusion of blood. Such infections arise from the con-
taminationof the site of transfusion. While information on the
rate of such infections is scarce, the risk of transmission of
bacterial infections via transfusions is thought to be at least
equal to the risk of viral infection. For example, figures from
the United States Food and Drug Administration indicate that
bacterial infections comprise at least 10% of transfusion-
related deaths in the United States each year.
Another route of entry for bacteria are catheters. For
example, it has been estimated that the chances of acquiring a
urinary tract infection (which can subsequently spread to the
blood) rises by up to 10% for each day a hospitalized patient
is catheterized.
While bacteria can be problematic in blood borne infec-
tions, the typical agents of concern in blood borne infections
are protozoaand viruses. The protozoan Trypanosoma brucei
is transmitted to humans by the bite of the tsetse fly. The sub-
sequent infection of the blood and organs of the body produces
sleeping sickness, al illness that still afflicts millions each
year in the underdeveloped world.
With respect to viral blood borne diseases, hepatitisA,
hepatitis C, and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV; the
cause of acquired immunodeficiencysyndrome) are the focus
of scrutiny in blood donors and in the setting of a hospital.

Exposure to the blood from an infected person or the sharing of
needles among intravenous drug users can transmit these
viruses from person to person. In Canada, the contamination of
donated blood and blood products with the hepatitis viruses
and HIV in the 1980s sickened thousands of people. As a result
the system for blood donation and the monitoring guidelines
for the blood and blood products was completely overhauled.
For example, in the 1980s, monitoring for hepatitis C was in its
infancy (then only a few agencies in the world tested blood for
what was then termed “non-A, non-B hepatitis”). Since then,
definitive tests for the hepatitis C virus at the nucleic acid level
have been developed and put into routine use.
Within the past 20 years, emerging diseases such the
lethal fever and tissue destruction caused by the Ebola virus
have been important blood borne threats. These so-called hem-
orrhagic feversmay have become more prominent because of
human encroachment onto formerly wild regions, particularly
in Africa.
Health care workers are particularly at risk of acquiring
a blood borne infection. Open wounds present an opportunity
for blood to splatter on a cut or scratch of a doctor or nurse.
Also, the use of needles presents a risk of accidental puncture
of the skin to doctors, nurses and even to custodial workers
responsible for collecting the debris of hospital care.

Thin section electron micrograph of Ebola virus.

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