Number Theory: An Introduction to Mathematics

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0 Sets, Relations and Mappings 3

It is easily seen that union and intersection have the following algebraic properties:

A∪A=A, A∩A=A,
A∪B=B∪A, A∩B=B∩A,
(A∪B)∪C=A∪(B∪C), (A∩B)∩C=A∩(B∩C),
(A∪B)∩C=(A∩C)∪(B∩C), (A∩B)∪C=(A∪C)∩(B∪C).

Set inclusion could have been defined in terms of either union or intersection, since
A⊆Bis the same asA∪B=BandalsothesameasA∩B=A.
For any setsA,B,the set of all elements ofBwhich are not also elements ofAis
called thedifferenceofBfromAand is denoted byB\A:


It is easily seen that


An important special case is where all sets under consideration are subsets of a
given universal setX.ForanyA⊆X,wehave

∅∪A=A, ∅∩A=∅,
X∪A=X, X∩A=A.

The setX\Ais said to be thecomplementofA(inX) and may be denoted byAcfor
fixedX. Evidently

∅c=X, Xc=∅,
A∪Ac=X, A∩Ac=∅,

By takingC=Xin the previous relations for differences, we obtain ‘De Morgan’s


SinceA∩B=(Ac∪Bc)c, set intersection can be defined in terms of unions and
complements. Alternatively, sinceA∪B=(Ac∩Bc)c, set union can be defined in
terms of intersections and complements.
For any setsA,B,the set of all ordered pairs (a,b) witha∈Aandb∈Bis called
the (Cartesian)productofAbyBand is denoted byA×B.
Similarly one can define the product of more than two sets. We mention only one
special case. For any positive integern, we writeAninstead ofA×···×Afor the set
of all (ordered)n-tuples(a 1 ,...,an) withaj∈A( 1 ≤j≤n). We callajthej-th
coordinateof then-tuple.
Abinary relationon a setAis just a subsetRof the product setA×A.Forany
a,b∈A, we writeaRbif(a,b)∈R. A binary relationRon a setAis said to be
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