46 I The Expanding Universe of Numbers
and the relationeize−iz=1 implies that
cos^2 z+sin^2 z= 1.
From the power series forezwe obtain, for everyz∈C,
n≥ 0
(− 1 )nz^2 n/( 2 n)!= 1 −z^2 /2!+z^4 /4!−···,
n≥ 0
(− 1 )nz^2 n+^1 /( 2 n+ 1 )!=z−z^3 /3!+z^5 /5!−···.
From the differential equation we obtain, for everyz∈C,
d(cosz)/dz=−sinz, d(sinz)/dz=cosz.
From the addition theorem we obtain, for allz,ζ∈C,
We now consider periodicity properties. By the addition theorem for the exponen-
tial function,ez+h=ezif and only ifeh=1. Thus the exponential function has period
hif and only ifeh=1. Sinceeh=1 impliesh=ixfor some realx, and since cosx
and sinxare real for realx, the periods correspond to those real values ofxfor which
cosx= 1 , sinx= 0.
In fact, the second relation follows from the first, since cos^2 x+sin^2 x=1.
By bracketing the power series for cosxin the form
cosx=( 1 −x^2 /2!+x^4 /4!)−( 1 −x^2 / 7 · 8 )x^6 /6!−( 1 −x^2 / 11 · 12 )x^10 /10!−···
and takingx=2, we see that cos 2<0. Since cos 0=1andcosxis a continuous
function ofx, there is a least positive valueξofxsuch that cosξ=0. Then sin^2 ξ=1.
In fact sinξ=1, since sin 0=0andsin′x=cosx>0for0≤x<ξ. Thus
0 <sinx<1for0<x<ξ
As usual, we now writeπ= 2 ξ.Fromeπi/^2 =i, we obtain
e^2 πi=i^4 =(− 1 )^2 = 1.
Thus the exponential function has period 2πi. It follows that it also has period 2nπi,
for everyn∈Z. We will show that there are no other periods.