Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

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bedtime. For children, a glass of apple juice or milk just before bed
can promote tooth decay, and fluoride won’t necessarily remedy that
Despite what most people think, fluoride is no longer considered
an essential nutrient. Natural fluoride is found in most foods, espe-
cially chicken, fish, seafood and tea, and it’s found naturally in most
drinking water. Through a healthy diet, enough fluoride can be con-
sumed to have a positive effect on cavity prevention. The National
Institutes of Health (NIH) says tooth decay has declined sharply in
recent years, even in areas without fluoridated water. British
researchers also found, after studying people from eight different
countries, that tooth decay was declining equally in both fluoridated
and non-fluoridated areas.
Fluoride can also negatively affect other areas of the body —
especially the bones. Some studies show that fluoride can substantial-
ly increase bone loss, producing bone fractures in the spine, wrist and
arm. Other studies have shown that in communities that have fluori-
dated water, hip fractures are more common.
Fluoride also interferes with energy production. This occurs in
the anaerobic biochemical pathways that convert sugar to energy.
About half the water systems in the U.S. have fluoridated water. If
you wish to avoid fluoride, either use bottled water or filter what
comes through the tap. However, some bottled water contains fluoride
(ask the company or read labels), and most water filters don’t remove
fluoride. The best filter for this purpose is a reverse-osmosis system.

Filter Your Water
The first step in considering a water filter is learning what contami-
nants are in the water. Once you know what needs to be filtered, you
can use the appropriate system. Unfortunately, there is no single
water filter that will solve all your potential water problems. Keep in
mind that toxins also can enter the body through the skin or lungs
when taking a shower. For example, the inhalation of tri-
halomethanes, a cancer-causing chemical, during showering in chlo-
rinated water is a common problem. This can be remedied by using a
system that filters all water entering your house, or by installing a
water filter on your showerhead.

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