Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1
spring when natural series 1 eicosanoid levels are low, often need this
supplement. GLA is also essential for carrying calcium to muscle and
bone cells. Without it, the calcium in your diet won’t be as useful and
some may be stored as calcium deposits. Borage oil and evening
primrose oil also contain GLA. It’s important when taking any prod-
uct containing GLA to also take EPA (fish oil) or raw sesame-seed oil.
These oils help prevent GLA from ultimately converting to arachi-
donic acid, which promotes inflammation. Both sesame and all the
GLA-containing oils are also very sensitive to oxygen, and should be
purchased in capsule form.

Vitamin B Complex
Along with vitamin C, the B vitamins are the most common synthet-
ic vitamins in the marketplace. Almost all B vitamins in health and
drug stores, whether the whole B complex or single vitamin products,
are synthetic. In the case of the B vitamins, those that are synthetic are
also referred to as inactive — in order for the body to utilize these
vitamins they must be converted to an active form, which takes other
nutrients and energy, and is not always effective.
As is the case with natural vs. synthetic vitamin C, the body may
not utilize the synthetic B vitamins as well. In fact, up to 30 percent of
the population may be unable to utilize synthetic folic acid.
Below is a list of some truly natural/active forms of B vitamins:

  • Thiamine (B1): thiamine pyrophosphate and thiamine

  • Riboflavin (B2): riboflavin-5-phosphate

  • Niacin (B3): nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)

  • Pantothenic acid (B5): pantethine

  • Pyridoxine (B6): pyridoxal-5-phosphate

  • Folic acid: 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate and folinic acid

  • Cobalamin (B12): methylcobalamin
    The B vitamins are important for so many functions throughout
    the brain and body. If levels become low, virtually any body area can
    break down. Those who don’t get enough vitamins B1 and B2 typical-


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