Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

dessert. It’s a complete meal, low glycemic, high in protein and con-
tains good fats. The recipe follows:

Phil’s Bars
3 cups whole raw almonds
2/3cup powdered egg white
4 tablespoons pure powdered cocoa
1/2cup unsweetened shredded coconut
Pinch of sea salt
1/3cup honey
1/3cup hot water
1 to 2 tablespoons vanilla

Grind dry ingredients. Mix honey, hot water and vanilla. Blend
into dry ingredients (at this point, you may have to mix it all by
hand if your mixer isn’t real efficient). Shape into bars, cookies
or lightly press into a buttered muffin tin. You can also press the
batter into a dish (about one inch deep) and cut into squares.
Sometimes these are better when allowed to dry. Adjust the
water/honey ratio for less or more sweetness. Keep refrigerated
(they’ll still last a week or more out of the refrigerator). For
other flavor options, use fresh lemon instead of cocoa, or use
more coconut.

Need a fast snack — right now? Grab an apple. Or make a “bar in
a cup” — a tablespoon of almond butter in a cup with some honey.
Healthy options are endless, so create your own list.

Tips for Healthy Cooking
How and if you cook your food can be just as important as how you
select it, since even the healthiest ingredients can be reduced in qual-
ity through improper kitchen practices. The biggest problems are
overcooking, using too-high heat, and overheating certain types of
oils. Following are some guidelines that can help make your work in
the kitchen become a work of health.


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