Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

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serious problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, premen-
strual syndrome and mental depression.
Many people who have problems with cow milk find that they
can tolerate milk from sheep and goats much better. Goat milk
is widely available in many grocery stores and is lower in lac-
tose. The fat in both goat and sheep milk is made up of small-
er fat globules that are easier to digest. The protein structure of
goat and sheep casein is also less allergenic than cow casein.

Wine, Alcohol and Your Health
Wine is not only the oldest alcoholic beverage but the oldest medici-
nal agent in continuous use throughout human history. The use of
wine dates back more than 6,000 years, and is attributed to physi-
cians, scientists, poets and peasants. Even today, wine and other alco-
holic beverages are classified as foods and used daily in most cul-
tures. More healthful benefits have been bestowed upon wine than
any other natural substance. For instance, drinking wine with meals
can help with relaxation and digestion.
There are few known unhealthy effects from moderate amounts of
alcohol consumption, with negative consequences seen mostly in
those who go beyond moderation. In fact, as we’ve all heard for a long
time, there are many positive health benefits associated with wine con-
sumption. Drinking wine and other alcohol in moderation significant-
ly lowers the risk of coronary heart disease. Moderate drinkers have
healthier cholesterol ratios as alcohol raises the HDL and lowers LDL.
This may be one reason for the lower incidence of heart disease in con-
sumers versus abstainers. Another may be that alcohol increases blood
flow to the heart. In addition, alcohol reduces the tendency to form
blood clots, a major cause of heart attacks (and strokes). Alcohol also
lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia,
and improves bone health. Moreover, those who don’t drink actually
have greater risk for heart disease. Some scientists say that people who
have one or two drinks per day may add three to four years of life
expectancy, as compared to those who don’t drink.
Scientists also say that red wine may be a potent cancer inhibitor.
Resveratrol, a substance found in red wine (due to the fact that grape

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