Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

If you eat a good breakfast, and a mid-morning snack, getting to
lunch without crawling on your knees from hunger should not be a
problem. And like breakfast, a healthy lunch is a matter of proper
planning. If you’re away from home, packing your own lunch usual-
ly makes for a more healthful midday meal. Arrange for that to be
done the evening before so it’s not another job you need to do in the
morning. Plan ahead by cooking extra food at dinner so that you can
include some for lunch. Eating more protein and less carbohydrate
during lunch will keep you from getting sleepy or losing concentra-
tion after lunch.
A large salad is a great foundation of a healthy lunch. Use a vari-
ety of different vegetables, and dressing made from simple oil and
vinegar to more elegant dressings made ahead of time. On different
days you can add different proteins: meat, cheese, fish, eggs or
Leftovers from a balanced dinner make for a perfect lunch — per-
haps a few slices of beef or a chunk of fish with steamed vegetables.
If you’re going out for lunch, make sure you take enough time so
you’re not rushed, and be careful of restaurant food. Today, there are
more healthy foods, including organic items, to make it easier, but ask
about what’s used in the kitchen. Don’t be afraid to have eggs again
as an option; they’re a quick meal you can get almost anywhere.

If you start the day with a real breakfast, have a good lunch, and eat
healthy snacks, dinner should be your smallest meal. This is the ideal
scenario. Too often, however, people do just the opposite. They skip
breakfast, have a skimpy lunch and then pile on the food in the
evening. Your dinner could include items from the refrigerator that
you combine for a sampling of tasty leftovers you’ve accumulated
over the past few days. Or, once again, eggs can be a great dinner. Or
it could be just a small salad and some protein. Either way, dinner
should be easy, delicious and relaxing.

Healthy Sauces for Tasty Meals
Whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, any meal can be made more
savory and even romantic with a sauce. When you think of a sauce,


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