Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

in depression. By now, you know what causes ADS. In general, the
two most common causes of ADS are:

  • The underuse of aerobic muscles. It’s the simple rule of
    “use it or lose it.” Only a small percentage of the popula-
    tion is naturally active — their day-to-day work activity
    is relatively high. And, few people perform proper aero-
    bic exercise.

  • The overuse of anaerobic muscles. Most exercisers over-
    train not by volume but by performing too much anaero-
    bic activity, such as weight-lifting, or activities performed
    at too high an intensity.
    Other common causes of ADS, as noted above, include consump-
    tion of too much carbohydrate, including sugars; low-fat diets; and

When asking yourself about the status of your aerobic system, do
an inventory of all the functions with which the aerobic system is
associated. The symptoms of ADS are many; the most common ones

  • Fatigue.This is usually physical, but often can be mental in
    the form of poor concentration or lack of creative energy.

  • Recurrent injuries.Do you know many people who
    don’t have any type of physical complaints? Shoulder
    and back pain, knee and wrist problems, weak ankles. It’s
    not normal to have any injury at any age, even for people
    who exercise. When you have an injury, it means some-
    thing went wrong, typically in the aerobic system and
    most often in the aerobic muscle fibers, and the end result
    is dysfunction in a joint, muscle, ligament or tendon.

  • Excess storage of fat.When the aerobic system doesn’t
    work effectively, the body stores more fat.

  • Blood-sugar stress.The many symptoms include fre-
    quent hunger, cravings for sweets or caffeine, tiredness
    after meals, moodiness, etc.

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