Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

  • Hormonal imbalance. Premenstrual syndrome and
    menopausal symptoms are common in women with aer-
    obic deficiency. But both men and women can develop
    hormonal imbalances, including low levels of sex hor-
    mones (discussed later).

  • Poor circulation.Since so many of the body’s blood ves-
    sels are found in the aerobic muscle fibers, a lack of aero-
    bic function results in fewer operating blood vessels and
    diminished blood flow.
    In addition, ADS is associated with an increased production of
    lactic acid. The body is always making lactic acid, and it’s always reg-
    ulated. But the combination of poor aerobic function and an over-
    active anaerobic system may result in too much lactic acid. This can
    not only further reduce aerobic function but also contribute to depres-
    sion, anxiety, phobias and even suicidal tendencies. It’s even been
    shown that raising lactic-acid levels in normal, healthy people can
    produce these symptoms. This is probably due to the effect of lactic
    acid on the nervous system. Excess lactic acid can also disturb coordi-
    nation. It’s a cause for concern, especially in athletes and others who
    require a more finely tuned, coordinated body for their work or sport.
    Ahigh-carbohydrate diet, too much refined-sugar intake and a low-
    fat diet can also aggravate high lactic-acid levels, as can various nutri-
    tional imbalances such as low levels of thiamine (vitamin B1).
    Other symptoms related to higher lactic-acid levels include angi-
    na pectoris, seen in patients with certain heart problems. The heart is
    a muscle, and it’s not immune to the damaging effects of lactic acid.
    High levels of lactic acid create a major stress on the heart and blood
    vessels and may aggravate existing problems such as high blood pres-
    sure and heart disease. This may be one reason why the incidence of
    heart attacks in people who are running or jogging is relatively high
    — a combination of ADS and excess lactic acid. (It should be noted
    that anaerobic muscles normally produce lactic acid, and when enter-
    ing the bloodstream lactic acid is converted to lactate.)

Optimal aerobic function is the foundation of fitness and another
key to great human performance. And, as you’ll see in the coming
chapters, it’s relatively easy to perform.


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