Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

inflammatory-causing stress, that the switch stays on. The outcome is
chronic inflammation.

Chronic Inflammation
When inflammation continues into the chronic state, many health
problems can begin developing. This may include those all-too-famil-
iar “itis” conditions such as tendinitis, colitis, sinusitis and arthritis.
Chronic inflammation is also a precursor to ulceration, and it could
ultimately lead to disease.
For some people, the presence of inflammation is obvious. But
most people with chronic inflammation are not aware of it because
the signs and symptoms may not be apparent. Therefore, some type
of evaluation is important. The following survey may help guide you
in determining your potential for inflammation. Check the items that
pertain to you:

! Do you eat restaurant, take-out or prepared food daily?
! Do you consume milk, cream, butter or cheese regularly?
! Do you consume corn, soy, safflower or peanut oils
! Do you consume margarine or products that contain
hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils regularly?
! Is your diet low in fresh salmon, sardines and other cold-
water fish?
! Do you have a history of atherosclerosis, stroke or heart
! Do you have a history of osteoporosis?
! Do you have a history of ulcer or cancer?
! Do you have a history of “itis” conditions such as arthri-
tis, colitis, tendinitis, etc.?
! Do you have allergies, asthma or recurring infections?
! Do you have chronic fatigue?


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