Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

(this topic is discussed in more detail in a later chapter). Bread, pasta
and cereals are significant sources of fiber for many people.
Psyllium is a high-fiber herb that is a very effective promoter of
intestinal function. Adding plain unsweetened psyllium to a glass of
water, tomato juice or healthy smoothie can keep your system run-
ning smoothly — start with one teaspoon a day for a few days to
make sure it’s tolerated, then use up to about one tablespoon a day.
Another way to add psyllium to your diet is to use it in place of flour
for thickening sauces or in place of bread crumbs to coat meats and
vegetables. If you require a fiber supplement, be sure to use the ones
that do not contain sugar, so read the labels. There are some sugar-
free psyllium products on the market and you should not have trou-
ble finding one.
Another reason for constipation at this time may be dehydration.
If you don’t drink enough water, you could be predisposed to consti-
pation. During the Two-Week Test, you’ll need more water — up to
two to three quarts or more per day. After the test, vegetables,
legumes, such as lentils, and fruits are also great sources of fiber. So if
you become constipated, it may simply be that you need to eat more
vegetables and fruits as tolerated. In addition, adequate intake of nat-
ural fats, discussed later in this book, can also be helpful.
Occasionally, some people get very tired during or after the Two-
Week Test. This can be due to a number of problems. Most common-
ly it’s from not eating enough food, and/or not eating often enough.
The most common problem is not eating breakfast. And many people
should not go more than three to four hours without eating some-
thing healthy.

Case History
Bob was determined to renew his health in a natural
way. He was overweight and overfat, always exhaust-
ed, and his blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyc-
erides were too high. He started the Two-Week Test
and initially felt very good. But within a few days he
began getting tired and irritable. After talking with Bob
for just a few minutes, it was clear that he was doing
several things wrong. Because it caused him to spend


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