Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

Honey is also perhaps the only carbohydrate food that does not
promote tooth decay through acidity. In general, proteins and fats
raise salivary pH, making it more alkaline, while carbohydrate foods
lower pH, making it more acidic. Honey is the sweet exception — a
carbohydrate that may raise pH levels. In addition, honey has an
overall beneficial effect on oral health due to its antibacterial effect
and ability to reduce dextran, a sticky, sugary substance that helps
bacteria adhere to the teeth.
Like fruit, honey is primarily a blend of fructose and glucose.
Different types of honey have different ratios of each type of sugar.
Those that crystallize fastest have the highest glucose content, and
thus the higher glycemic index. Since fructose has the lowest glycemic
index of all sugars, honey with higher fructose content will have the
lowest glycemic index. Sage and tupelo honey, for example, are
known for their high fructose content, while clover honey has a medi-
um fructose content, and alfalfa honey is higher in glucose.
When shopping for honey, look for a number of attributes. Dark
honey may be the most therapeutic and have the most nutrients.
Buckwheat honey is said to contain the highest amounts of antioxi-
dants. Raw, unfiltered honey retains more beneficial qualities. Heat,
light and filtering remove some of the beneficial properties of honey.
Agave nectar is very high in fructose with a very low glycemic
index. But it lacks the therapeutic benefits that honey contains. Due to
its high fructose content, some individuals don’t tolerate it. Intestinal
distress is the most common symptom, and in those with high triglyc-
eride levels, high fructose intake may worsen the condition.

What about Artificial Sweeteners?
I recommend avoiding artificial sweeteners in virtually all situations
because I believe fake sugars can have an adverse effect on your
health. Some say the research is still not clear on this issue. But I say
why wait when there’s enough information about it? Artificial sweet-
eners are used in many food items: diet soda, chewing gum, ice
cream, iced-tea mixes and many other products. If you want to avoid
them you must read the labels.
While substances such as saccharin are not recommended for
children or pregnant women, and aspartame has been related to an

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