Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

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the nape of the neck. These are important areas to keep from over-
heating and cool after exercise. (Low body temperatureis associated
with reduced fat-burning; this is often related to low thyroid
Of course, exercise can increase fat-burning too. The best kind
being the easy aerobic type, such as walking, which trains the body to
burn more body fat all day and night. This issue is discussed in detail
in later chapters.
Unfortunately, most research in the area of brown fat comes from
the pharmaceutical industry, which is looking for a new drug to stim-
ulate brown fat. But a healthy diet, the right exercise and other
lifestyle habits already can do this!
The role of brown fat is just another of the many examples of
healthy functions of fat in the body. But to make sure we have healthy,
balanced fats, we must be very careful with the types and amounts of
fats we consume.
It’s time to look at fat as our friend. Good fats can greatly help in
the quest to improve optimal health and human performance.

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