Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

Monounsaturated fat is also very stable. As discussed later,
polyunsaturated fat is easily oxidized and can form dangerous oxy-
gen free radicals from exposure to air, light and heat. These free radi-
cals can lead to bodily dysfunction and even disease. Due to its chem-
ical structure, monounsaturated fat is virtually immune to oxidation
through cooking or exposure to air and light.
Monounsaturated fat is found in many foods, and some oils are
predominantly this type of fat. Foods highest in monounsaturated
fats are avocados, almonds and macadamia nuts, with other nuts and
seeds containing moderate amounts. Olive oil is very high in
monounsaturated fat and is the best oil for both cooking and use on
salads or other foods.
The best olive oil to use is the least processed and most nutritious
— extra virgin olive oil. This is obtained from the whole fruit by using
the cold-press technique, which does not alter the natural antioxi-
dants, phytonutrients or quality of the oil. The most potent phytonu-
trients are phenols, which give the oil its slight bitter taste. Very high
amounts of phenols are found in extra-virgin olive oil.
Phytonutrients, including phenols, are virtually absent in almost all
other oils, including olive oils that are not extra-virgin. The benefits of
phytonutrients are discussed in more detail in a later chapter.
Most olive oil comes from Spain, Greece and Italy. Graded by
international standards, much like fine wine, for flavor, aroma and
acidity, extra-virgin olive oil is the tastiest and has less than 1 percent
natural acid. Highly acidic oils (above 3.3 percent acidity) have an
offensive taste and are neutralized by added chemical agents, so
avoid other forms of olive oil including “pure” and “light” versions.
By using extra-virgin olive oil for most of your oil needs, as well
as eating foods that are high in health-promoting monounsaturated
fat such as avocados and almonds, you’ll be taking an important step
to balancing your dietary fats.

Polyunsaturated Fat
Many foods naturally contain polyunsaturated fat. They include
omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids that play a vital role in reg-
ulating inflammation as well as performing other key functions.
Concentrated and potentially dangerous amounts of omega-6 fat are

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