Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

13. Vital Vegetables and Fruits

So far we’ve looked in depth at the three macronutrients — car-
bohydrate, proteins and fats — as the basis of good nutrition. Now
let’s shift gears and take a look at a group of foods that really should
have their own distinct classification — vegetables and fruits. Plant
foods should make up the bulk of your dietary intake because they
contain vitamins, minerals and, just as important, phytonutrients.
And, there are thousands of phytonutrients that scientists believe
may have an even more important role than vitamins in promoting
health and preventing disease. Fruits and vegetables also contain
small amounts of protein and essential fatty acids, and are a key
source of fiber and prebiotics, which are both essential for good
health, as we will learn in the following chapter.
Generally fruits are foods that contain a seed within, whereas
vegetables have a separate seed. Both contain some carbohydrates,
some high enough for those who are carbohydrate intolerant to avoid.
These include most potatoes, corn, watermelon, pineapple and dried
Some foods that are technically fruits are usually thought of as
vegetables — these include avocados, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers,
squash and other fruits that are not sweet. But basically, vegetables
and fruits are all plant foods that should make up the bulk of the diet.
Most people don’t eat enough vegetables and fruits, and there are
very, very few who eat too much of this good thing. I often recom-
mend as a general guideline that people try to eat at least 10 servings
of vegetables and fruits per day. Many of these should be raw, and
most, if not all, should be fresh.
What is a serving? Traditionally many have considered a serving
to be a half-cup. More recently, however, many dietary guidelines
have recommended different approaches for measuring servings. For

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