Children of God - The Book

(beautifullives) #1

possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will’
(Matthew 26:39).

But we know by now that the Father’s will was to save mankind, because of His
love, and only through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross could this be
accomplished. And so He sent His angel and strengthened His Son instead, for the
excruciating task ahead (Luke 22:43).

The death of Christ on the Cross, and indeed His resurrection, were a divine
cooperation between the Father and His Son for their love to the Man they created
in their own image. This was a glorious and divine triumph over the forces of evil,
to deal a death blow once and for all to the enemy of our souls and to his schemes,
and restore Man to the original fellowship with God through eternal
reconciliation. This reconciliation was more meaningful and far better than the
original relationship in the Garden of Eden, since it was out of an act of obedience
from the hearts of God’s children, cancelling the original act of disobedience
committed in the Garden.

The enemy, Satan, and the dark forces of this world thought they had defeated
Jesus and God’s plan when they nailed Him to the Cross. Little did they know that
here, in this darkest hour of human history, was also the hour, the day of God’s
greatest light and favour to Mankind, the Day of eternal Salvation!

And so 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 rightfully declares: No, we declare God’s wisdom, a
mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None
of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the
Lord of glory.

What kind of persons, then, ought we to be?

Having received atonement from Christ through such precious sacrifice, what
kind of persons ought we to be?

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